Sentences with phrase «typical growth»

By reviewing the Aggregate Weekly Growth educators can learn the range of typical growth for a grade level in a given learning area.
With typical growth rates, the formula can be approximated by: growth rate in percent = 100 % * (1 / n) * -LSB-(dividend amount at the end of n years) / (dividend amount at the beginning of n years)-1.0].
That means instead of typical growth, we saw slow growth, and that raises questions about whether, on average, forests are socking away more carbon than we think.»
As reported in her blog, a key finding of the meta - analysis is that overall, RTL media was «successful in promoting early literacy, especially vocabulary and... knowledge of English letter sounds,» and further, «Exposure to RTL media resulted in about 8 percentiles or 1.5 months of literacy development above and beyond typical growth
An infant's typical growth trajectory through the first year looks something like this: one - half inch to one inch of height each month in the first six months, and about one centimeter per month from six months to one year.
Outside of raising money from typical growth equity and infrastructure funds, Gilleland could partner with a government and / or form a joint venture with an existing nuclear power player.
Typical growth hormone supplementation for an age - related deficiency results in small increases in IGF - 1 that remain in the normal age - matched references range, so risk would not be expected to be different than that for controls.
In a classroom with nationally average students and a teacher producing typical growth, only about half of the students will meet the growth norm, resulting in an «Ineffective» HEDI rating for a typical teacher.
In order to make sense of student growth data, leaders need to know what constitutes typical growth, how it is measured, and how much additional growth some students need to make in order to reach learning goals and standards.
Student B, with a student growth percentile of 48, demonstrated close - to - typical growth in reading compared with students with similar score histories.
«We have good weightings in industrials and financials, which are not typical growth - manager sectors,» said Fitzpatrick.
Unlike a job position, which has a defined pay ceiling and typical growth rate of 2 - 4 %, a non-job income source has no such artificial restrictions.
«The typical growth stock starts out with high returns, rising turnover, and glorious prospects, only to stumble in later years.
The raw «averages» say that from 1962 through 1995, the typical growth and income fund returned 10.8 % compounded annually; the typical growth fund, 11.5 %; and the typical aggressive - growth fund, a whopping 13.5 %.
Explain that typical growth means growing consistently at approximately the same percentile over time.
Expect a complete physical exam, a review of feeding and sleep schedules, and the typical growth measurements.
At this doctor visit, expect a complete physical exam, a review of your child's feeding and sleep schedules, and the typical growth measurements.
When the researchers implanted ES cells from a B6 mouse embryo into a B6 mouse, it formed a typical growth, called a teratoma, which is a mixture of differentiating cell types.
That same year, 100 % of Jessica's students met their typical growth goals and 94 % met their college - ready growth goals on the NWEA assessment — the highest of any KIPP middle school in the country that year.
Students who fell below the typical growth level for math or reading on the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
This can be compared with the typical growth for students who start at different levels in the Student Growth Percentiles.
Average pages per borrow: 210 (I got this number by taking the estimated borrows for June given the typical growth rate, and dividing it by the number of pages Amazon has released)
In the current environment of short - term volatility amid a long - term positive outlook for the Chinese economy, a focus on growing, sustainable dividends in China's equity markets could provide the opportunity to get a slice of the region's structural growth and potential downside protection compared with a typical growth strategy, such as an earnings growth strategy.
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