Sentences with phrase «typical idea»

As these examples of typical ideas of the ministry all indicate, a clear - cut conception always includes not only an understanding of what the most important work of the ministry is but also the recognition that it must perform other functions.
dvdrichards1115 You're right, God could be real, but the typical idea of God held by Bible - literalists is just too full of contradictions and paradoxes to logically exist.
Relational theology forces a revision of the typical idea of providence and its shadow side, theodicy.
I want to replace your typical idea of slaving over the stove and repeating numerous steps all for the sake of ice cream.
«Contrary to the typical idea that more examples are always better for learning, infants in our study performed better when they had fewer examples, but more chances to compare between them,» said Susan Hespos, professor of psychology at Northwestern and a senior author on the study.
«They might not run through things in the same way as someone without these traits would to get the typical ideas, but go directly to less common ones.
Unsane is also Soderbergh's latest film that was shot entirely on an iPhone, which isn't new (see Sean Baker's Tangerine) but it is another impressive attempt at subverting the typical idea of using big cameras and film stock to make movies.
The typical idea is that investors are paying up too much for:
It's a much better approach then the typical idea of difficulty where you simply have to be more cautious and careful.
Unfortunately Ragnarok Odyssey takes the typical ideas and look from a traditional RPG to rope you in and then delivers very little.
Moving beyond the typical ideas of ghosts found in popular culture and literature, curator Tarah Hogue suggests that haunting can be a way to rethink the colonial structures that persist in present - day Canada.
The typical idea of investing, he said, is that you need a lot of money to do it.
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