Sentences with phrase «typical onset»

There have been hundreds of theories about schizophrenia over the years, but one of the enduring mysteries has been how three prominent findings related to each other: the apparent involvement of immune molecules, the disorder's typical onset in late adolescence and early adulthood, and the thinning of gray matter seen in autopsies of patients.
When babies begin to fully develop their sense of sight, smell, and sound, which happens to correlate with the typical onset of colic, many children find this introduction to the environment overwhelming.
Sharma's lab at Women & Infants Hospital has developed a test that, based on initial data, can detect clumps of the protein TTR in blood serum as early as 12 weeks into pregnancy, which is eight weeks before the typical onset of the condition.
This dataset indicated the typical onset of TC at 3 — 6 months of age in BT and GS and 6 — 24 months in MBT and SBT (Fig. 1).
Women are more prone to them, and though they can be experienced at any life stage the typical onset is between 25 and 30.
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