Sentences with phrase «typical patient»

Cathy fit an all - too - typical patient profile: beyond stressed, cursing at the bathroom scale, and spending far too much money on toxic beauty products.
Though Bruno would not disclose how many families the company is currently working with, he notes that a typical patient gets about 40 hours of service each week for between $ 20 and $ 25 per hour.
A typical patient of a midwife will only receive one — if any — ultrasound at or around 20 weeks to screen the baby's anatomy for any problems.
Urbanic said the typical patient is an older man or woman who got treated with either chemotherapy and radiation or radiation alone for a lung cancer that couldn't be surgically removed.
«These patients may also have other symptoms not found in the typical patient with LKS.
Although the balance of the evidence indicates that bariatric surgery is safe and effective for the typical patient with severe obesity, Dr. Arterburn said, individual patients and their doctors need to have meaningful shared decision making conversations about the long - term benefits, risks, and uncertainties of bariatric surgery so they can each choose the best treatments for them.
What is an example of that review process with a typical patient who has arthritis of the knees and hips.
Q: What is an example of that review process with a typical patient who has arthritis of the knees and hips.
The «advanced maternal age» woman is becoming more and more the typical patient rather than the unicorn she once was.
A typical patient will come in, in their mid-teens, late teens, or early young adulthood complaining of problems with irregular menses, periods that are somewhat disruptive in nature (longer or shorter than normal), stress related acne that can be worsened by a lot of sugar intake, and severe PMS.
The typical patient is an older, large breed dog.
The typical patient is usually age 5 - 12 years in age and a large breed dog.
Our typical patient has osteoarthritis (hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, calcifications, common degeneration and inflammation), soft tissue injuries (cruciate injuries, tears, ruptures, inflammation) or needs accelerated healing of fractures.
The Typical Patient
My school is located in the middle of a city so our typical patients are small animals including laboratory animals, dogs, and cats.
The typical patient affected by FCE is a young adult or middle - aged dog of a medium to large breed, such as a Labrador Retriever or Border Collie.
The typical patient for glucosamine is a middle aged to older medium to large breed dog.
Under the settlement plan, the typical patient payment for pain and suffering caused by the faulty hip implant would be approximately $ 250,000 before fees, according to the New York Times.
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