Sentences with phrase «typical patterns»

Exaggeration of gender typical patterns in couples with a depressed partner could also explain the lack of significant differences between depressed persons and their partners to the extent that different behaviors are amplified for dyads with a male vs. female depressed spouse.
Although PAPCA uses a principal component analysis (PCA) as a tool to identify components of interest, this approach is different from PCA because its main goal is classifying individuals, rather than variables, by interpreting arrays of individuals» response patterns as latent profile patterns (most typical patterns of participants» item responses).
I help families to delineate the typical patterns of interaction which do not serve the family.
Results Analyses revealed significant differences in cortisol production at the preschool follow - up, such that children in the ABC intervention group showed more typical patterns of cortisol production than children in the control intervention group.
The therapist may give the family homework to try between sessions, which is often designed to help the family understand their typical patterns of interaction or the homework instructs that the family practice new patterns of behaviours / interaction.
Such heterogeneity in parental knowledge would have important implications and applications as it would help researchers identify those families (and their potentially resilient characteristics) that are able to ward off declines in parental knowledge versus those that demonstrate more typical patterns (and, as a parent, I can imagine that information being very useful).
Intervention programs have been designed to modify children's typical patterns of behaviour, including their self - regulation abilities, emotional competence, and coping skills.
This new perspective on your typical patterns of disconnecting and fighting will begin to bring about a positive change.
Rooted in the concepts of the 80's artistic movement Neo - Geo, the typical patterns of Schuyff's canvasses, consisting of geometrical and tridimensional shapes, persist in what seems to be an eternal movement.
One can only go on typical patterns, so check in with our daily ocean report and lifeguards when you're here.
Typical patterns of these discussions again and again refer to the same so - called nonsense of 70:20:10, such as:
And would anyone have expected a film by Lord and Miller to fall into typical patterns?
The stripes and anchors on the shoes and the animal print scarf bring in two more typical patterns for some fun mixing.
Largely typical patterns of resting - state functional connectivity in high - functioning adults with autism.
Thus, these modifications create, step by step, the typical patterns of active and inactive DNA sequences for each cell type.
Compared to those who practiced less, these participants maintained cognitive gains and did not show typical patterns of age - related decline in sustained attention.
Compared to those who practiced less, they maintained cognitive gains and did not show typical patterns of age - related decline in sustained attention.
The adolescents were fitted with a physical activity monitor, which was worn 24 hours a day for seven days, to measure typical patterns of physical activity and sleep.
Intervention programs have been designed to modify children's typical patterns of behaviour, including their self - regulation abilities, emotional competence, and coping skills.
These are typical patterns, but not all babies follow them.
Cast in a broad evolutionary framework, Bellah's outline distinguished five ideal - typical patterns of religion, each of which is a distinct stage or «relatively stable crystallization» in the development of religion from early societies to the present.
There certainly is nothing verifiable in terms of the supernatural claims, and by studying the psychology of the beliefs themselves, you can see all of the typical patterns.
The situation in B.C. is all the more remarkable because it goes against the typical pattern.
«We really can't be sure that drop in 10,000 fans was due to a lockout, or just part of the typical pattern we observe in league attendance.
A change in eye movement can be a very strong indicator of lying, but you have to know the person's typical pattern first.
«If China follows the typical pattern, the world will see hundreds of billions of dollars in Chinese overseas investment in the decade ahead, balanced between mature markets and natural resource hosts,» opined a recent report from the Rhodium Group, a private think - tank based in New York.
That's a bit slower job growth than prior years, as shown in the table below, but this is a typical pattern as the job market closes in on full employment (h / t to the great Lexin Cai for making this table!).
The Great Expectations chart below shows 2017 earnings estimates turned the corner after a string of disappointments, with 2015 and 2016 depicting the more typical pattern in post-crisis years.
That's a continuation of what we've seen in recent years, and a typical pattern when the Fed raises interest rates.
The Great Expectations chart shows 2017 earnings estimates turned the corner after a string of disappointments, with 2015 and 2016 depicting the more typical pattern in post-crisis years.
Below is a chart showing the typical pattern the stock exhibits in the course of a calendar year.
Returns of individual stocks in the portfolio followed the typical pattern for successful quarters — more winners than losers, and gains of greater magnitude than losses.
His typical pattern of writing is to take a hackneyed, obvious notion like the Romantic view of the corrupt city and the innocent country, and twist it into complex, awkward shapes in an attempt to make it express the far denser mood - thought he felt about the city.
As a result of this all too typical pattern of unjust land distribution, for example, 77 percent of the land in El Salvador, where fourteen families control the wealth, is suffering from erosion, according to a recent study.25 A more just distribution of land would greatly reduce the negative impact on the environment.
Correspondingly, the typical pattern of Christian history is as a movement of the periphery, of the relentless and radical circumvention of the establishment in obedience to a God whose central design leaves earthly arrangements provisional and dispensable.
The recent fracas at the University of Virginia over what turned out to be a false story of gang rape demonstrates a typical pattern.
We have already seen in Luke 4 that this was Jesus» typical pattern for the week.
If the Vanderbilt transition from Methodist to neuter exhibits a typical pattern of academic secularization, what we will find at the root of these events is a sponsoring church that is nonchalant about its burden: one that wishes to be the patron of a college or university without being its benefactor.
They liked doing things together, The typical pattern of religious activities was expressed by one parent: «We participate in religion as a family just as we do in everything else.»
When you're faced with a behavioral episode, recognize your typical pattern, and ask yourself a new question: What does my child need from me right now?
After the study, most parents noted that their child's behavior improved, but when they did have a tantrum again, it followed the typical pattern.
Keep in mind that many children don't follow this typical pattern and their teeth may come in randomly.
You can go and they'll be able to tell you what a typical pattern is for someone going into detox / rehab and what to do when he gets out, and also how to help your daughter through this.
They may not even follow the typical pattern for babbling and mimicking sounds.
Some babies follow a typical pattern when it comes to motor skill development.
However, some infants exceed the typical pattern of crying, such as those who cry long, hard and inconsolably during the first three months or those who cry / fuss frequently beyond 3 to 4 months of age.
Within a few days, your baby will have returned to a more typical pattern.
The clock can also help you make this distinction — if it has been two to four hours since your baby's last feeding (depending on your baby's typical pattern and whether she is breastfed or bottle fed) her fussing is likely a sign of hunger.
That said, there is a typical pattern to look for in any baby's bowel habits.
But be on the lookout for changes in your child's typical pattern.
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