Sentences with phrase «typical ratio»

The pastry is a little thick and the custard a little scarce in the ones pictured but I've since made them again with a more typical ratio and they were even better.
For example, every mere posting I go to visit I'll print out the last 20 sales in a 1 km radius to their property to show them that 18 or 19 of those last 20 sales the buyer had their own representation (only 1 or 2 double - ended; typical ratio in Victoria, B.C.).
Third and fourth gears are fitted with more typical ratios, 1.43:1 and 1.09:1, respectively.
«The typical ratios that a successful business would have, theirs were five to ten times greater.»
These slices of chestnut flour & cocoa baked beauties, which happen to be dappled with chocolate chips and cognac soaked chestnuts throughout, follow the typical ratio of a quick bread and have the texture and moisture of one.
Smoothie bowls and smoothies in general are an easy way over do it in the sugar department as the typical ratio has too much fruit and not enough veggies.
Based on the amount of gas in the two galaxies and the typical ratio of dark to ordinary matter in galaxies, the researchers estimated the extent of the dark matter halo containing the two galaxies.
A typical ratio might be 40 percent protein and 30 percent each of fats and carbohydrates, but the amounts could easily shift to 50 percent fats and as little as 10 percent carbohydrates depending on individual genetic requirements.
To lose the most stored body fat, a typical ratio for the low carb Atkins Induction phase is 65 % fat, 30 % protein and 5 % carbs.
For passive index funds, the typical ratio is closer to 0.25 %.
A typical ratio of «useful work» (electricity generated) to «heat taken in» for fossil fuelled power stations is about 1/4; ie; 25 % efficiency.
A typical ratio for the 2000s is about 2 - to - 1.
A typical ratio of «useful work» (electricity generated) to «heat taken in» for fossil fueled power stations is about 1/4; ie; 25 % efficiency.
If the buyer pays one - third (a typical ratio) of the $ 150,000 revenue over the next five years, the seller receives the same $ 50,000.
Nevertheless, the typical ratio of payment between insurance companies and policy holder offer 80/20 ratio for con - insurance types of health policies.
While the base line changes, the typical ratio of what's considered to be the healthiest debt load for the majority of people is 43 percent or less.
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