Sentences with phrase «typical shooter»

I think the thing that separates Sniper Elite from typical shooters is the pace — it's not necessarily less accessible — it just requires a different mindset, where taking your time and making every shot count is the best approach.
These help fresh out Halo and brings it up to speed with what has been happening with typical shooters.
Those who have played Bungie's previous games will find gameplay familiar with a few notable changes, but those who are new to the developer's work will find Destiny a departure from most typical shooters in a number of ways, and that can create a fairly dramatic difference to the flow of both story based missions and multiplayer matches.
These abilities make the combat in Mass Effect 3 quite different to combat in more typical shooters.
She said: «I'm not a typical shooter, I use pink cartridges and a brightly coloured gun.
The whole point of rhythm games is really to take you away from the typical shooter or sports game and take you to a world that is much simpler world.
Adding a whole new plane of movement to the typical shooter experience takes some getting used to, and can lead to frustrating deaths.
The aggro system is a fun twist on the typical shooter, and going into «overkill» mode can be pretty satisfying.
The plot is typical shooter / adventure far.
While combat is still present and plenty of times you'll find yourself shooting through a throng of thugs, stealth is your best option as Sam isn't your typical shooter protagonist who can soak up bullets, slap on a band - aid and be good as new.
~ Sorry, too busy playing a good game called Dayz Epoch Mod and enjoying out my fully modded + Sophie companion mod first playthrough of Skyrim to give a shit about another typical shooter game that hasn't changed at all since Medal of Honor Allied Assault.
Deus Ex is not a typical shooter when it's all about gunning down enemies.
It was adapted well to the platform and had your typical shooter layout so it didn't take me any time to adjust.
While I had no problem wrapping my mind around the objective - based modes on display in Splatoon, I can see this game being unappealing to the typical shooter fan who sucks at understanding how to play this kind of game type.
The game features an expanded list of game modes that puts a stress on creativity and reinventing the wheel, and in turn, raising the expectation of your typical shooter.
It's not a typical shooter, nor a MOBA, nor even a heartwarming point - and - click adventure starring a gorilla in glasses.
+ Fast - paced, addictive gameplay + Lots of cool weapons + Great price - May be too hard for casual gamers - May be too different to attract the typical shooter fan
Multiplayer is a nice change of pace from the typical shooter fare.
While not a typical shooter by any stretch of the imagination, I think it's safe to say that Superhot is one of the most innovative shooters to come along in a long time.
Perhaps something more familiar like a team deathmatch style of mode would be good in welcoming those already accustomed with the typical shooter.
As long as he has a hold over enemies, things turn back into a typical shooter, although slain foes drop tokens that allow him to stay in possession mode longer.
That being said the campaign is still very fun to play through and while it doesn't offer up anything very new to the shooter genre (oftentimes feeling like they are checking off the typical shooter segments) it is still enjoyable.
The characters feel truly unique and most of them offer a different experience from a typical shooter.
This time however, they're working with a new studio, the Creative Assembly, who have abandoned the typical shooter we've seen in past Alien games in favor of some good ol' fashion survival horror.
I immediately understand with any typical shooter game that I need to aim my weapons, click my mouse button, and possibly proceed to an objective to win.
Dubbed a «4D» game there is more than just the typical shooter fare to enjoy for sure.
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