Sentences with phrase «typical star»

Brown - dwarf buddies: Astronomers still can't agree on what to call brown dwarfs: Are they failed stars, without enough mass to kick - start the nuclear reactions of typical stars, or are they supersize planets?
Unlike typical stars, which burn steadily at thousands of degrees, the warmest of these Jupiter - size objects are just hot enough to bake cookies — and the coolest barely break room temperature.
The multi-crew Aegis Retaliator also received some attention and was re-introduced in typical Star Citizen fashion.
I do nt like the idea that players are bigger than the club and for me no player is irreplaceable but I think we all notice that Sanchez is different than your typical star player as he really works his ass off for team, down to earth guy and is really humble, not to mention what he offers on pitch.
Because of the Earth's low mass, the change in position of a typical star would be only about equal to the angle subtended by a baseball on the Moon.
Prior scrutiny of the typical star Gliese 876 had rustled up two Jupiter - size companions, and further research revealed a third body, dubbed Gliese 876 d, pegged at 7.5 Earth - masses — the smallest - mass exoplanet then known.
Although a typical star has a magnetic field of about 100 gauss, neutron stars are thought to have magnetic fields of up to 1 trillion gauss.
The typical star formation rate in galaxies rose for the first two to three billion years after the Big Bang and has steadily decreased for the past 10 to 11 billion years.
Marengo said the study looked at two different infrared wavelengths: the shorter was consistent with a typical star and the longer showed some infrared emissions, but not enough to reach a detection threshold.
And the timing is especially fitting: 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the first exoplanet confirmed to be in orbit around a typical star.
A typical star outshines a planet in visible light by a factor of 10 billion to one, but in infrared light the ratio drops to 10 million to one, making the planet 1,000 times easier to see.
According to stellar evolution, a typical star's volume, late in its lifetime, expands to about a million times that of our Sun and finally collapses to become a small star about the size of Earth (a white dwarf) or even smaller (a neutron star).
Instead of your typical stars + stripes, I wanted to share a different take on red, white and blue for 4th of July.
The way Park writes of the love between them sounds like the typical star - crossed lovers.
He is typical Star - Pei.
It sticks to the typical Star Wars theme of smashing the player in the face with the main cast, however the game that lies within is a coiled spring of games development.
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