Sentences with phrase «typical summer temperatures»

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The average temperature in the Tamar Valley in the northeast of the state is around 17 degrees celsius, peaking at 22 degrees in the summer — well below the Barossa's typical summer spike into the upper 30s.
The day was marked with mild temperatures that are usually typical of summer.
The temperature there on a typical summer's day is a chilly -10 °C.
But the new research shows that the summer activity and body temperature of bears on shore and on ice were typical of fasting, non-hibernating mammals, with little indication of «walking hibernation.»
But even then the «fraction of the anomaly due to global warming» is somewhat arbitrary because it depends on the chosen baseline for defining the anomaly — is it the average July temperature, or typical previous summer heat waves (however defined), or the average summer temperature, or the average annual temperature?
To give another, more specific example, at a typical glacier on Mt. Baker, in Washington State, a summer temperature increase of 1 °C translates to a ~ 150 m increase in the altitude of the equilibrium line (the point where annual ice accumulation = annual loss), and a resulting ~ 2 km retreat of the glacier terminus.
Naturally, a better understanding of how ambient air temperature behaves in and around Furnace Creek on typical, hot summer afternoons should aid in understanding why and how the 134F reading came to be, and why it can not be valid.
Typical summer months are from mid-March to June often extending till 15 June, with maximum temperatures sometimes reaching 42 °C (108 °F).
The study, «Cool Roofs in Guangzhou, China: Outdoor Air Temperature Reductions during Heat Waves and Typical Summer Conditions,» was published recently in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.
Using a regional climate model combined with an urban model that allowed researchers to adjust roof reflectance, they found that the average urban midday temperature was lowered by 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) during heat waves, or 50 percent more than the 0.8 degrees Celsius reduction for typical summer conditions.
Hot summer days may be quite typical of climates in many regions of the world, but global warming is causing Earth's average global temperature to increase.
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