Sentences with phrase «typically characterized»

Although there is no one - size - fits - all approach, smart growth is typically characterized by mixed - use development, higher densities, and pedestrian friendly streets that accommodate a wide diversity of transportation modes,» says NAR President Gary Thomas.
As a result, healthy maternal — infant relationships are typically characterized as sensitive and responsive interactions that are attentive to the infants» needs while remaining non-intrusive and non-controlling, and contribute to the regulation of the infant's response to stress before the infant is physiologically able to self - regulate [31 — 33].
Indigenous societies are typically characterized by an intense «localism», in which social, economic and political allegiances are constructed around locally based and small - scale forms and institutions, rather than in larger all - encompassing institutions based on larger socio - political units.
Insecure attachments are typically characterized by resistance to caregiver comfort or a constant need for it, without ever being soothed [45], while disorganized attachments are characterized by their lack of consistent (or organized) strategy, where a child will both seek and fear their caregiver [47, 66].
This condition, which can be described as the experience of feeling like a fraud despite having achieved success, is typically characterized by self - doubt, extreme criticism of one's own performance, and anxiety resulting from the fear that others may realize one is not actually as successful as one appears to be.
While the definition of a «healthy marriage» is itself subject to debate, it is typically characterized as high in positive interaction, satisfaction, and stability and low in conflict.
«The exciting upshot of this data is a broader impact on the family system than would traditionally be expected from Relationship Education programs, even during what are typically characterized as difficult years between parents and teens,» observes HRC President Patty Howell.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder can be seen in children as young as six and as old as eighteen years of age and is typically characterized by verbal and physical aggression that is out of proportion with the trigger situation, and aggression outburst appears to be impulsive instead of premeditated the aggression.
Largely residential in character, Murrieta is typically characterized as a commuter town, with many of its residents commuting to jobs in San Diego County, Orange County, Los Angeles County, Temecula, and Camp Pendleton.
Sleep apnea is typically characterized by paused breathing or instances of abnormally shallow breathing while sleeping.
In fact, Ms. Heintz, herself, remains an Evangelical Christian, a follower of Christian Horizons» ethos in every other way, and is committed and quite capable of performing the job functions of a support worker with the love and care that has typically characterized Christian Horizons» service to people with developmental disabilities and with respect for the Christian activities in the homes.
Climate assessments have not typically characterized or analyzed specific societal risks resulting from climate change, including the socio - environmental determinants of vulnerability through which exposure to climate - related hazards creates risk.
Luminist pictures are nearly always landscapes or waterscapes (seascapes, riverscapes), and are typically characterized by cold, clear colours, and realistically detailed objects modelled by light.
As for Synthetic Cubism, typically characterized by the incorporation of collage and papier colles into the painting, Leger avoided this almost entirely, favouring instead an increasingly abstract art, featuring conical, cube - like forms within rough areas of primary colours plus green, black and white, as exemplified by Contrast of Forms (1913).
Typically characterized by precisely edged, unitary geometric forms, rigid planes of cool colours, or just a single colour, applied so as to leave no gestural brush marks, it is often based on a grid design.
Typically characterized by boundless landscapes, its imagery often reflects the thrilling and overwhelming power of nature.
The subject works varied in style to a degree, but were typically characterized by the absence of compositional structure, which represented (at least in Tapié's mind) a fundamental break with artistic tradition.
Burns» work is typically characterized as horror, but it's horror with a wicked sense of humor and a thick layer of angst, disillusionment and irony.
True separation anxiety is typically characterized by a dog that causes real property damage (chews holes in the wall, rips apart a sofa, etc).
If Temaril P is used for a long time, it is possible that its Prednisolone component can cause Cushing's syndrome in dogs which is typically characterized by increased thirst, increased frequency of urination, and increased hunger pangs.
GDV is typically characterized by a large, distended and hard abdomen, dry heaving, panting, inability to get comfortable, stretching, drooling, and weakness.
These companies are typically characterized by high levels of competition, where the low - cost producer wins because of the freedom to establish prices.
A type of fund is typically characterized by its investment strategy (i.e., its goals).
Non-performing loans are typically characterized by borrowers who have defaulted on their obligations and / or have payment delinquencies of 60 days or more at the time we acquire the loan.
However, elementary teacher candidates are typically characterized as having had negative experiences in science and low science content knowledge, and they do not regard themselves as science teachers but rather language arts teachers (Appleton, 2003).
Screening is typically characterized by the administration of brief measures that are easy to implement reliably.
These skirts are typically characterized by their lengths which can extend anywhere from down below the knee area to mid-calf length enhancing your lower body half.
«The Mediterranean diet» is typically characterized as a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables with liberal use of olive oil, while being low in fish, poultry and red meat, and it has long been thought to provide a number of potent health benefits
It is typically characterized by a burning feeling rising from the stomach or lower chest up towards the neck (heartburn), regurgitation of stomach contents into throat, chronic -LSB-...]
The two most common muscle imbalance patterns I've encountered in my work with clients over the years are Lower Crossed Syndrome (LCS), which is typically characterized by excessive anterior pelvic tilt and a protruding abdomen, and Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS), which is typically characterized by rounded shoulders and a «hunchback posture».
It is typically characterized by low muscle tone and episodes of brain injury accompanied by liver disease.
In particular, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in this first variation is an autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism, and is typically characterized by detection of elevated levels of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies in serum from the patient.
Persistent inflammation induced by prolonged or repetitive exposure to specific allergens, typically characterized not only by the presence of large numbers of innate and adaptive immune cells (in the form of leukocytes) at the affected site but also by substantial changes in the extracellular matrix and alterations in the number, phenotype and function of structural cells in the affected tissues.
Speech and language disorders are typically characterized by people losing their ability to communicate — they can't find words to use in sentences, or they'll speak around a word.
The disorder is typically characterized by an excess production of the hormone testosterone, irregular ovulation, and cysts, or fluid - filled sacs, in the ovaries.
Political events are not typically characterized as traumatic, but many of the concerns expressed by the affected participants in this study are similar to hallmarks of trauma, such as fear and helplessness, she said.
«It's shocking to see how few articles discussed risk to the general population, and when they did, they typically characterized risk as low,» said Pascale, who studies the social construction of risk and meanings of risk in the 21st century.
Language delays are typically characterized by immature verbal skills, shorter utterance lengths, and less overall verbal attempts.
I remember fearing that I might have to excuse myself because I could not imagine committing my body to the handclapping, dancing and participatory singing that typically characterized worship behavior on «jazz music Sunday».
And so, if the suffering of hell as typically characterized is real, the idea of a «just» God becomes non-sensical, as «justice» would have to mean something completely foreign to our understanding.
The personality disorder is typically characterized by extreme anger that masks grief of deep emotional wounds and self - doubt.
This phase is typically characterized by rising stock, or equity, prices and interest rates.
Modern corporations are typically characterized by a «separation of ownership and control» — that is, companies are generally run by professional managers, who manage on behalf of a very large number of mostly - anonymous shareholders.
Poloz was at his sunniest when he testified recently to the finance committee in Ottawa — «We don't believe we're in a bubble,» he told the assembled MPs, saying he sees no signs of the speculative activity that typically characterizes a bubble, like people buying multiple houses to flip them.
In short, a strong case can be made for saying that, as both the common good of society and the particular good of citizens is now threatened by political voluntarism, so also both the common and particular good of lovers (and families) is threatened by the voluntaristic and limited nature of the promises and undertakings that typically characterize the new reformers» account of sexual relations.
Descriptions of nanotech typically characterize it purely in terms of the minute size of the physical features with which it is concerned — assemblies between the size of an atom and about 100 molecular diameters.
The current project traces the development of the eBook from the Kindle to its precursors outside of the dedicated hardware that typically characterizes the eBook's incunabular period.
Precisionism typically characterizes American paintings and works on paper produced between the two World Wars that employ a linear aesthetic, pronounced contours and localized colors to depict architectural, infrastructural, mechanical and often urban imagery.
At Clio Art Fair, you won't find the usual booths and compartmentalized spaces that typically characterize art fairs.
But «big changes in less than a decade» is how paleoclimatologists typically characterize all of the abrupt warmings and coolings in the best ice cores, though the full time course from one stable state to another may take a few decades.
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