Sentences with phrase «typically very food»

Scenthounds are nose oriented, and typically very food motivated.

Not exact matches

In 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposed rules to cap SPF values at SPF 50 + for that very reason, with EWG noting that FDA rules capping certain active ingredients mean that SPF 30 and SPF 100 products typically offer roughly the same amount of UVA protection.
National foodservice organizations typically take a universal approach to their services — the food you find at one location is more than likely going to be very much the same at any other location managed by that particular company.
For instance, I'm very much into herbal medicine, studying Ayurvedic health, practicing personalized nutrition, learning how our emotions and life circumstances affect our health, and discovering the energetic effects of food, emotions, and illness in ways that are typically overlooked in conventional nutrition advice.
I do very well during the workday because I typically bring my lunch and snacks and only pack a set amount of food... not too much.
Hypoglycemic myself I'm very sensitive hitting the sugar wall and typically high sugar level foods only make the condition worse, I don't have that issue at with Stevia or Quest bars so I would they are doing something right.
Some added benefits are that typically, digital food scales aren't very expensive and only require one or two AAA batteries to run.
One very interesting insight from the data analyzed by these products is 20 to 30 products typically comprise the majority of all food spend.
Freekeh is a typically middle eastern food, but in Germany we have a very similar thing called Gruenkern, which is spelt processed in a similar way.
Accommodations: All - inclusives are very convenient, but if you add up how much food and alcohol you typically consume (or should consume!)
Although it's fine to indulge on these foods sometimes, you should still typically eat food that is very nutritious in order to benefit you and the baby.
The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods, referred to as complementary feeding, typically covers the period from 6 to 18 - 24 months of age, and is a very vulnerable period.
Both free - ranging and captive white - tailed eagles showed the same selective feeding pattern: iron particles of up to 3 mm were ingested very frequently, whereas larger metal fragments were typically detected and removed from the food.
For one, foods that are high in fiber are typically very good for you all around (such as fruits and vegetables that also contain important vitamins).
This poses a problem for the Paleo dieter who relies on unprocessed whole foods for nutrition and avoids the very foods most commercial protein powders are typically derived from such as soy, peas, whey and rice (not to mention that protein powders are highly processed — an anathema to the Paleo set.)
For instance, I'm very much into herbal medicine, studying Ayurvedic health, practicing personalized nutrition, learning how our emotions and life circumstances affect our health, and discovering the energetic effects of food, emotions, and illness in ways that are typically overlooked in conventional nutrition advice.
But consumed in very small quantities as brans typically are, it may not pose as much a problem, relative to the other foods listed, as it first may seem.
This is why I encourage you to do your homework to learn more about the differences between whole food supplements made by companies like Standard Process and synthetic supplements you typically find in grocery and drug stores that provide isolated, fractionated and, often very minimal, pieces of the whole, at best.
Through this research, the company identified three basic consumer segments, based on their attitudes toward pets: Loving Nurturers — individuals for whom the highest form of affection they can show their pets is by feeding them the best food available; Dedicated Experts — shoppers who take a more analytical approach to feeding and do a lot of research in order to make informed purchasing decisions; and True Advocates — shoppers who typically adopt the latest forms of feeding and are very influential on other shopper segments.
I am very passionate about the topic, as my dog Cardiff twice overcame typically fatal T - Cell Lymphoma with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, dietary supplements, herbs, whole food diet, acupuncture, lifestyle modifications, and more.
Avoid: pet shop or dealer puppies, who are poorly bred and raised and treated as merchandise; «backyard breeders», who own a dog but often are not knowledgeable and typically think it will be «fun» or «profitable» to have puppies; a breeder who lets you handle a very young puppy, as there is a real risk of transmitting disease before they are vaccinated; signs of neglect such as lack of water, pans of uneaten food and dirty conditions; a breeder who will sell a puppy under seven weeks of age, as early separation from the dam and littermates can be very detrimental both psychologically and physically.
Moist dog food has a high water content and is typically cooked at a very high temperature, thus sterilizing the food.
Grains are very rare allergens and the grain - free the foods typically simply substitute sugary starchy vegetables, green peas or white potatoes or sweet potatoes; it's not like there are less carbs and the point is we want less carbs.
Taking into consideration that puppies and kittens are typically going into the care of humans once they are old enough and not scavenging for food on their own, it still seems only logical that they would remain in their mother's care until they are 6 to 8 weeks old at the very least.
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