Sentences with phrase «tyranny of the majority»

In hindsight, it looks like a good thing taken to extremes, a powerful weapon against tyranny of the majority turned against democracy itself.
Tocqueville thought that one crucial check against the potential tyranny of the majority was the power of religion in forming mores.
The desacralization of politics leads either to the horrors of totalitarianism or to the liberal tyranny of majority rule and individual rights.
In this way, the Court still plays a very crucial role in continuing to ensure the earliest minorities are respected from the past, present and future tyrannies of our majority.
@gerrit From your link: «Ochlocracy, or Mob Rule, is often incorrectly equated with Tyranny of the Majority, but differs because Ochlocracy involves illegal action and does not necessitate a majority.»
And finally, as stated, the typical argument against direct democracy is the issue of tyranny of the majority.
The founding fathers set up our government this so that there would be no tyranny of the majority over the minority.
The voters in CA will not matter if this is determined to be a matter of civil rights, in which case the «tyranny of the majority» will be overturned.
It must also help to divide the material interests of people, so as to help prevent democracy from degenerating into a tyranny of the majority (its abiding deformation).
Fearing «the tyranny of the majority» as much as they feared any tyranny, the framers recognized the need to check the democratic principle by the republican principle of representative government.
This used to be called the tyranny of the majority.
Tocqueville's tyranny of the majority — the tyranny of majority opinion — isn't simply a matter of whose opinions count, it also can be a matter of whose harms and what type of harms count and which do not.
Our country was designed to be inclusive and defend individuals from the «tyranny of the majority»... that's why we have the bill of rights.
The greatest of these is that local communities, including congregations, often embody the tyranny of the majority.
How, in such a system, can the tyranny of the majority be checked?
(6) A major problem with which we American Protestants have struggled has been the tyranny of the majority especially in local communities and states.
We are a republic where individual freedoms can not be trumped by the tyranny of the majority.
Otherwise it is overly subject to the tyranny of the majority.
Under the pretext of «patients» rights» and a supposed obligation of doctors to adhere to the medical moral consensus — a tyranny of the majority, if you will — Emanuel and Stahl would prohibit doctors from conscientiously objecting to performing requested procedures on moral grounds.
The laws of our country protect individual rights from the tyranny of the majority.
Nonetheless, we may also hold that so far as public policy is concerned in a pluralistic society, justice is best served by a Madisonian approach that thwarts the tyranny of the majority.
This is the tyranny of the majority.
Truly, Muslim nations like Iran or even Pakistan, lately, have brought a new spin to the idea of «tyranny of the majority».
I disagree with this decision — it is tyranny of the majority but it is not as far reaching as Citizens United.
Tocqueville had warned of the tyranny of the majority, and later events had displayed the dangers of ideology and soi - disant expert rule.
You better learn what our founders thought about the tyranny of the majority.
But one still looks in vain among the writings of liberation theologians to find discussions of the indispensable institutions of democratic (republican) government, such as guarantees of rights of minorities against the tyranny of the majority or divisions of responsibilities and functions that avoid dangerous concentrations of power.
Sounds like the tyranny of the majority, why not put other religious symbols in the public buildings, all the religions that wish to display them?
The tyranny of the majority is the whole point of the Hall of Fame vote, and I can respect it when it comes to the players who make writers wistful, even if the stats don't justify it.
In this case, what is the theory that is compatible both with the social contract and at the same time accounts for the Tyranny of the majority?
The only way to prevent the rise of a demagogue is to provide checks and balances that ensure that there can be no Tyranny of the Majority.
This is generating a scandal in Portugal, the argument being that the rights of minorities should not be referendable, exactly to avoid the Tyranny of the majority
But, it can go awry when it begins to turn itself into the tyranny of the majority.
In democracies, that's a tyranny of the majority (or plurality), but that doesn't help the victims.
What mechanisms (existing or proposed) exist to prevent a democracy turning into an ochlocracy, or into a tyranny of the majority?
As such, Thompson postulated Plato's warning that democracy frequently leads to tyranny of the majority, where ill - informed populations hamstring the political system, now seems increasingly prescient:
John Stuart Mill, who Johnson is apparently so fond of, had a phrase for this: The tyranny of the majority.
It is possible, just impractical and can lead to tyranny of the majority.
Good answer, because it addresses OPs concerns about the tyranny of the majority with examples of how governments keep that tryanny in check by preventing infringement on people's rights.
There is however the need to be guided by high ethical consideration so that we do not relapse into ultra majoritarianism, a symptom of the tyranny of the majority.
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