Sentences with word «ulceration»

UC is characterized by a long - lasting cycle of remission and exacerbations of ulceration of bowels, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, and other systemic symptoms.
This diseases causes ulceration in the colon's lining.
It specifically causes ulcerations of the small and large intestines, but can affect the digestive system anywhere from the mouth to the anus... More
Hagyard Equine Medical Institute published an article in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science showing treatment with a polysaccharide blend reduced gastric ulceration in active horses.
This is partly because the leading pharmaceutical therapy for osteoarthritis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can cause problems like gastrointestinal ulceration in some dogs.
In a final year project, MChem undergraduate student Edward Howe, working in Professor David Smith's research team in the Department of Chemistry at York looked for a way of eliminating the adverse side - effects associated pain - killing drugs, particularly in the stomach, and the problems, such as ulceration, this could cause patients.
In rare cases, usually in dogs over 12 years old, affected eyes may become suddenly painful with ulceration occurring as a reaction or sloughing of the abnormal material.
If you ever notice ulcerations on your pet's nose or a large amount of nasal discharge make sure to have your pet examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Diabetic specialists have a more optimistic view on prognosis for diabetic foot ulceration based on their practice in patients without diabetic vascular problems.
In both parks skin ulcerations caused by Treponema are common in wild baboons.
RHINOTRACHEITIS (feline herpes virus 1) & CALICI VIRUSES are the primary stimulants of upper respiratory infection in the feline species, capable of causing clinical signs localized to the upper respiratory system such as sneezing, ocular discharge, and oral ulcerations as well systemic infections in more virulent strains of calici viruses.
• Cacao butter is a natural cream that prevents ulceration or other injuries and protects the skin from harmful UV rays in sunlight.
However, parvovirus causes severe ulceration of the small intestine which allows these normally good bacteria to invade the blood stream into the rest of the body which often leads to death.
This practice is more common in dogs such as the Collie who will get nasty ulcerations from sun exposure.
Dry eye can cause chronically dry, burning eyes, and scarring and painful ulceration of the cornea which may lead to decreased vision.
Infected animals show a variety of symptoms, from mild conjunctivitis to severe corneal ulceration which, if untreated, can lead to blindness.
These compression socks also help prevent recurrence of venous ulcerations, and DVT.
The tick feeding site shows ulceration at the location of hypostome penetration with mixed neutrophilic / eosinophilic / histiocytic inflammation and necrosis extending into the deep dermis accompanied by disorganization of the collagen bundles (Panel D).
It's thought that by targeting the LOX enzymes you can mitigate some of the side - effects seen with NSAIDs like ulceration and curcumin, being a dual inhibitor, has been noted to have comparatively less gastrointestinal side - effects compared to NSAIDs potentially due to this.
Dr. Fiorito determined that Sonny was suffering from multiple ulcerations, or sores, in his mouth, including along the edges of his tongue.
Now, we're aware that acute, end - stage renal failure causes ketosis, resulting in that awful sweetish breath, and we've also been told that there usually are ulcerations present in the mouth.
Once ulceration occurs, surgery (keratectomy) or a procedure (diamond burr debridement) may be recommended to completely or partially remove the deposits.
Respiratory conditions and cat drool Some cats that develop viral respiratory conditions develop ulcerations in their mouth, resulting in increased saliva flow.
Infected animals develop skin erosions, followed by deep ulcerations and microscopic skin necrosis.
You know, one of these — one of these classes of — of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories that will — will erode the mucosal lining of the GI tract and induce a permeability within the gut itself and also induce ulceration within the GI tract.
Zinc has a profound influence on many aspects of immune function, and a lack of zinc in the diet can cause many problems, including impaired wound healing and chronic ulceration of the mucosal surfaces of the mouth and throat.
The bad news is that about 30 percent of the pets who come to my hospital for hot spots actually have some other kind of skin disease such as deeper skin infection, bite wound or other trauma, or even immune - mediated ulceration.
Your vet will do a full medical examination and check the teeth (particularly the back teeth) for any evidence of malocclusion which could lead to spikes and tongue ulceration.
The oversized eyes can be easily scratched and corneal scratches or more serious ulcerations can result.
Symptoms like black tongue should indicate that veterinary care is necessary because of possible ulcerations, a lack of niacin, or serious dental issues.
They have a greater tendency towards ulceration than do the benign growths.
It results in hair loss and possibly ulceration of the skin leading to a secondary bacterial infection.
Rabbit Eye Problem Possibilities Cataract Dacryocystitis Dental disease Ecephalitozoon cuniculi Glaucoma Infection of the conjunctiva Scratched cornea Ulceration of the cornea Uveitis
Rabbits, on the other hand, often get ulcerations of the bottoms of their feet when they are housed on wire floored cages.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy to determine node status microscopically is an additional procedure some clinicians recommend for intermediate tumors (1 to 4 mm thickness) or high - risk thin tumors (Clark's level III or greater, particularly in men with truncal tumors or when ulceration or regression is present) and clinically negative nodes.
So NSAIDs can create more gut ulceration issues.
It may be able to fight off infections, cleanse ulcerations, heal wounds, fight cancer, reduce blood pressure, improve digestive health, manage diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels, and treat nail fungus, head lice, and warts.
Zinc carnosine is a specific type of zinc that has been used for healing all sorts of ulceration along the digestive tract.
Less severe symptoms are experienced with this virus although more mouth ulceration may be present.
Also, if your dog is experiencing exudative ulceration, the fluids will prevent him from becoming dehydrated due to that symptom alone.
This can lead to gastric or colonic ulceration at high doses.
In the intestine, the virus causes ulceration leading to diarrhea and life - threatening dehydration as well as bacterial infection as the barrier between the body and intestinal bacteria is lost.
Other ophthalmic signs can include keratitis (inflammation in the cornea) and corneal ulceration due to the direct cytopathic effect on epithelial cells.
Topical steroids can make ulcerations in the cornea worse if they occur.
In some cases, an endoscopy may be required to help visualize the internal structures of your pet's gut especially if ulcerations are suspected as one of the causes of frequent upset tummies in dogs.
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