Sentences with phrase «ulna fractures»

A retrospective comparison of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis and open reduction and internal fixation for radius - ulna fractures in dogs.
The child suffered an ulna fracture and a tibia fracture which the parents could not explain.

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The other night, in a game with the Celtics, Pettit fractured the ulna bone in his left forearm and will wear a special light cast the remainder of the season.
Fractures of the distal portions of the radius and ulna in dogs of small breeds can result in dual problems.
He consulted with the Orthopedic Surgery Service, and with the help of the Diagnostic Imaging Service, the team of veterinarians discovered fractures to both the radius (where the tumor was located) and the ulna, which is typical given the nature of Fred's disease.
The most common fracture sites included the femur (68 %), radius / ulna or tibia / fibula (23 %) and humeral condyle (3 %).
Where Marley received pain relief medication and subsequent radiographs diagnosed a fracture of her radius and ulna, the two parallel bones that make up the forearm.
Fractures of the radius and ulna (forearm) are a common problem in IG's, particularly between the ages of four and 12 months.
Teemos suffered fractures to both the radius and ulna of her right front leg and, when taken into our care the wound was open, the bone was protruding from the leg and she was suffering further from infection.Teemos was stabilized to the best of our ability awaiting an indication from the owner that he was prepared to provide the care needed however, after a very few days we determined she required immediate specialist attention and she was transported to Oakland Veterinary Referral Services in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan for a consult and treatment by a Veterinary Orthopaedic Specialist.
In Re M (a child)[2007] EWCA Civ 589, [2007] All ER (D) 257 (May) an expert witness was called in by a child's mother to report on whether unexplained fractures to her child's ulna and tibia might have been due to osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease).
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