Sentences with phrase «ultimate consummation»

If history is driven by inexorable forces, and if we can have no confidence in an ultimate consummation of the evolutionary process, then must we not seek meaning here?
the ultimate consummation of this reality may not occur in their lifetimes, so they must continue to work and persevere, until the end comes.
It taught that the present moment is itself the moment of redemption that leads to the ultimate consummation.
From this we begin to see more of that unified cosmic sweep from the poising of the universe to the ultimate consummation in the final resurrection.
Nevertheless there is an ultimate consummation, not in the world but in the divine experience that accomplishes our redemption from evil.
Finally, however, it may be objected that this ultimate consummation of all things is fine for God, but has no value for us.
«26 For Barth, the meaning and basis of the Sabbath is thus also eschatological, for by pointing to the special history of the covenant and salvation, the Sabbath necessarily points to its ultimate consummation in history.27
Far from being secondary, it was primary — the first element in Jesus» original preaching and the ultimate consummation of the «eternal purpose.»

Not exact matches

No flash of beauty, no enchantment of goodness, no element of force, but finds in you the ultimate refinement and consummation of itself.
The structure of faith as apprehended within the whole company of the prophets was hardly without its contradictions, but the projection in faith of a final consummation embracing all prophetism's high affirmations is variously and eloquently proclaimed, and such raptured extensions of prophetic faith represent the ultimate words of prophetism.
There seems here to be a blend of the present reign of Christ before the final consummation with an ultimate surrender to God of the authority delegated to him as the Christ.
Taken collectively they justify what was affirmed in chapter 3 as primary notes in the meaning of the term: the ultimate sovereignty of God; the acceptance of this sovereignty through human response and obedience to God's will; and a final, victorious consummation of the total process.
2.9 - Il), in which evil, disease, and discord should diminish to a vanishing point in a «heaven and earth» which are essentially «new» (cf., Rev. 21: 1), or a «final ramification» in which evil grows beside good, its equally capacitated shadow side in the evolutionary advance, until the ultimate paroxysm in which the good receives absolute vindication and the evil is self - excluded from Omega's consummation (PM 288; cf. Matt.
And finally, the theme of consummation, the faith in consummationconsummation, the necessary ultimate extension of faith affirming the absolute sovereignty of God, declaring not so intentionally precisely how it shall be established but simply that it shall be.
Always the ultimate goal and consummation of God's purpose was the divine sovereignty made manifest in the Messianic age.
In an even bigger consummation, Ruby has recently seen a stream of museum endorsement — traditionally the ultimate arbiter of legacy.
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