Sentences with phrase «ultimate control over the process»

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Our line of food processing ovens give you what no other oven on the market can: ultimate control over the oven breakpoint.
In terms of top - down regulation, what states can do to promote arbitration is to a certain extent «get out of the way» or avoid micro-managing procedures through arbitration laws, all the while providing a «safety net» to participants in terms of ultimate control over ethical issues and due process.
Calgary - based business coach, speaker and entrepreneur Sue Styles says, «Over the years of teaching, I realized that one of the best ways to help many more budding «solopreneurs» — who have ideas for a business and a yearning to control their own success — would be to write a book about how to use scalable processes, how to invite in customers and how to achieve the ultimate mastery of becoming a true «boss», one who takes purposeful time working ON his or her business rather than IN.»
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