Sentences with phrase «ultimate death in»

Nevertheless, Altizer insists that the New Jerusalem can be realized only by «the final or ultimate death in consciousness and experience of every fragment or memory of the original Totality.»

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He added, «the ultimate death knell for secrecy in any jurisdiction would be a bank getting served one of these subpoenas and choosing to litigate, then losing in court.»
For mortals the ultimate peace is death (as in «cross my fingers and hope I will live in heaven»).
Temporary meaning in life is insufficient, for our accomplishments die with the death of the universe - there is no ultimate purpose in a universe void of God -.
In the face of the ultimate - death - play ceased to be.
God nbever punshed children for their parents crimes... death isnot always a punishment... cause the ultimate punishment is eternal life in hell... you are looking at wrong perspective there here and now in a temporary world
The ultimate purpose of the whole death - of - God system is to justify a certain kind of behavior on the part of Christians in relation to society — a kind of behavior that is dictated by conformism to the modern world.
In contrast, Caldecott states in the first line of his preface: «The book is about Tolkien's spirituality, by which I mean his religious awareness and experience, the things he believed about life and death and ultimate truth» (p xiIn contrast, Caldecott states in the first line of his preface: «The book is about Tolkien's spirituality, by which I mean his religious awareness and experience, the things he believed about life and death and ultimate truth» (p xiin the first line of his preface: «The book is about Tolkien's spirituality, by which I mean his religious awareness and experience, the things he believed about life and death and ultimate truth» (p xi).
The Kingdom of God is not a static heaven into which individuals enter after death; it is the dynamic divine power in and above history which drives history toward ultimate fulfillment.
Temporary meaning in life is insufficient, for our accomplishments die with the death of the universe - there is no ultimate purpose in a universe void of God.
If we allow Blake's apocalyptic vision to stand witness to a radical Christian faith, there are at least seven points from within this perspective at which we can discern the uniqueness of Christianity: (1) a realization of the centrality of the fall and of the totality of fallenness throughout the cosmos; (2) the fall in this sense can not be known as a negative or finally illusory reality, for it is a process or movement that is absolutely real while yet being paradoxically identical with the process of redemption; and this because (3) faith, in its Christian expression, must finally know the cosmos as a kenotic and historical process of the Godhead's becoming incarnate in the concrete contingency of time and space; (4) insofar as this kenotic process becomes consummated in death, Christianity must celebrate death as the path to regeneration; (5) so likewise the ultimate salvation that will be effected by the triumph of the Kingdom of God can take place only through a final cosmic reversal; (6) nevertheless, the future Eschaton that is promised by Christianity is not a repetition of the primordial beginning, but is a new and final paradise in which God will have become all in all; and (7) faith, in this apocalyptic sense, knows that God's Kingdom is already dawning, that it is present in the words and person of Jesus, and that only Jesus is the «Universal Humanity,» the final coming together of God and man.
Religious faith at its best is an attempt to define the meaningfulness of life and give life ultimate nobility in facing death.
Offering itself as the ultimate basis of reality and salvation, the sacred may either arouse a defiant emptying of the heavens and a repudiation of all sacrality in favor of secularity in a death of the gods, or become the place of evasion and retreat, a refuge from life rather than a response to it.
This is why the ultimate revelation of God is not the sight of God's glory — which is what Moses wanted — but the sight of God exposed in the misery of a condemned criminal, hanging naked on a cross and enduring an excruciating death.
The first step is «to commit ourselves to the possibility and the desirability of attempting to think through (at least in a rudimentary way) our position on some aspects of the ultimate questions about life, death, and reality.»
Read this way, the ultimate humiliation of Jesus comes in verse 8 where Jesus became obedient to death, even to death on a cross.
And that theology is grounded in the death of God — not simply as the historical end of Christendom, but rather as the ultimate ground of Buddhism and Christianity alike.
Death is no longer the ultimate horizon that teaches us that our essence in this world is not to be in control but to make our peace with an order greater than anything of our own making.
In some respects, then, death becomes the ultimate enemy, «the last enemy to be abolished», 14 in that it becomes for man the symbol of all which threatens his life with defeat and meaninglessnesIn some respects, then, death becomes the ultimate enemy, «the last enemy to be abolished», 14 in that it becomes for man the symbol of all which threatens his life with defeat and meaninglessnesin that it becomes for man the symbol of all which threatens his life with defeat and meaninglessness.
Dana and I spoke with our children of Ruth's ultimate healing — of having faith that their sister was no longer in pain, no longer struggling but in the presence of the one who would wipe away every tear in a place where there is no more death or sorrow or crying or pain (Rev. 21:4).
It is especially difficult to maintain this priority in questions of death because death so directly affects, threatens, confronts us with our own ultimate meaningfulness or lack of it.
He wants to have free will and divinely inspired moral laws that last forever unchanged, and I suspect that be wants to have some kind of ultimate meaning in life coupled with life after death.
But Meilaender reminded me that Christianity does not think of death as natural, at least not in the ultimate scheme of things.
Recent thought has it that ours is a world in which death, the passing away of life beyond being into nothingness, is an ultimate horizon.
It locates redemption there where ultimate horror also resides — in pain, mutilation, death, and decay....
With no outlet ahead offering a way of escape from total death, no supreme center of personalization to radiate love among the human cells, it is a frozen world that in the end must disintegrate entirely in a Universe without heart or ultimate purpose.
Temporary meaning in life is insufficient, for our accomplishments die with the death of the universe — there is no ultimate purpose in a universe void of God.
Temporary meaning in life is insufficient, for our accomplishments die with the death of the universe — there is no ultimate purpose in a universe void of God - What are these eternal, unchanging truths that you refer to?
But what meets us in Paul's monologue about life and death is precisely the absence of any concern with these alternatives as ultimate at all!
«51 In consequence, therefore, of all these principles, one can not detect in Hartshorne's doctrine of man even the faintest traces of despair of life's ultimate meaning, fear or perplexity in the face of death, moral vertigo, or denigration of the enduring value of our transient earthly lifIn consequence, therefore, of all these principles, one can not detect in Hartshorne's doctrine of man even the faintest traces of despair of life's ultimate meaning, fear or perplexity in the face of death, moral vertigo, or denigration of the enduring value of our transient earthly lifin Hartshorne's doctrine of man even the faintest traces of despair of life's ultimate meaning, fear or perplexity in the face of death, moral vertigo, or denigration of the enduring value of our transient earthly lifin the face of death, moral vertigo, or denigration of the enduring value of our transient earthly life.
Because of these acts we know him to be real, accessible, and infinitely gracious, and in that knowledge we find the promise of both the coming of his kingdom and the ultimate fulfillment of our own lives: «Through the tender mercy of our God, the dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.»
Whereas in the earlier Luther the fear of death was the ultimate form of unbelief, the Luther who discovered justification by faith understood that no matter how great our faith, it can not be strong enough to stave off terror before death.
In the discussion about the death penalty, there is the ultimate moral issue of the right to take life, and whether even the state has this right.
Beings who will one day vanish from the earth in that ultimate subtraction of sensuality called death, we spend so much of our lives courting it: fomenting wars, watching with sickening horror movies in which maniacs slice and dice their victims, or hurrying to our own deaths in fast cars, cigarette smoking, or suicide.
Steve Biko, political activist and budding poet, paid the ultimate price: when banning and imprisonment proved insufficient to silence him, he was beaten to death while in police «detention.»
It is the free person, God's creature, facing the ultimate issues of life and death, but facing them in their final dimensions, and making decisions which arise from the creative courage of one who has faced and accepted the conditions of real life.
In a world where struggle for survival at the expense of others is the law, He showed that death for others is the ultimate act of love.
For Christians, ultimate meaning — God — is understood in the person of Jesus Christ, in his life, death and resurrection, and in the Holy Spirit which allows us to see God present with us today.
Some highlights of this collection are Khaled Abou El Fadl's eloquent explication of the complexities and restraints behind implementation of the death penalty under Islamic law; an interesting intersection between Fadl's discussion of reticence in the use of the death penalty and David Novak's review of capital cases in Jewish tradition; Stanley Hauerwas's unequivocal claim that the cross is justice (negatively in terms of Jesus» execution according to human law and positively in terms of the ultimate meaning of the cross as mercy and forgiveness); and, conversely, the claim by Beth Wilkinson, prosecutor in the Timothy McVeigh case, that «Even as a Christian, I felt nothing for Mr. McVeigh.»
Christians appreciate Bloch's exposé of secular shallowness in the face of the ultimate reality of death.
Simply said, there is no more liberating knowledge given us by the gospel» and none in which we should find more comfort» than the knowledge that suffering and death, considered in themselves, have no ultimate meaning at all.
It is significant that Vatican II (and also the Uppsala Assembly of the World Council of Churches) defines the church as the sacramental sign of the unity of all humanity, and also speaks of the presence of the Paschal Mystery among all peoples (see Decree on the Church, and the document on the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World) This approach assumes that in Christianity, acknowledgment of Salvation (understood as the transcendent ultimate destiny of human beings) finds expression and witness in the universal struggle for Humanization (understood as the penultimate human destiny) in world history which is shaped not only by the forces of goodness and life, but also by the forces of evil and death.
Camus planned and completed a second cycle of works: the novel The Plague, in which the heroic Doctor Rieux strives, despite ultimate futility, against human suffering and death; the play The Misunderstanding, a kind of Greek tragedy in which a young man returns home in disguise, having made his fortune, only to be murdered and robbed by his mother and sister; and the highly influential cultural analysis The Rebel.
In their essence most if not all religious faiths express a confidence that in spite of the overwhelming presence of chaos, tragedy, suffering, and death, this universe is grounded in an ultimate environment in which the negative is conquered by the power of the positivIn their essence most if not all religious faiths express a confidence that in spite of the overwhelming presence of chaos, tragedy, suffering, and death, this universe is grounded in an ultimate environment in which the negative is conquered by the power of the positivin spite of the overwhelming presence of chaos, tragedy, suffering, and death, this universe is grounded in an ultimate environment in which the negative is conquered by the power of the positivin an ultimate environment in which the negative is conquered by the power of the positivin which the negative is conquered by the power of the positive.
What Blake could envision as the New Jerusalem, or Hegel could know as the advent of Absolute Spirit, or Nietzsche could envision as Eternal Recurrence, is the consequence of the end of history, but an ending realized only through the death of God, which each could know not only as the most ultimate ending in our history, but also as that ending which made possible and calls forth the most absolute beginning.
Subsequent to Mr. Welder's death on New Year's Eve of 1953, it was found that his will established a foundation such as America had never had before, an institution designed to have an ultimate impact on conservation practices not just in Texas but in the nation as a whole.
The only thing I would say is that FC is holding out in terms of his skill - set — I am not suggesting he is the ultimate solution but he is clearly disciplining himself to death in this role with just the bare minimum of risk / flair on display.
The finding by a neuropathologist that brain damage from repeated concussions suffered by former NFL star Andre Waters likely led to his depression and ultimate death by suicide in November 2006 highlights once again the critical need for parents and youth athletes to become educated and proactive about concussions.
In the case of the autonomous drone, the ultimate decision would be about life or death.
Data analyzed by The Finder shows that at least 48 police officers paid the ultimate price of death in the discharge of their constitutional duties to protect lives and property in Ghana from 2013 to date.
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