Sentences with phrase «ultimate freedom of»

With a firm belief in the ultimate freedom of expression for artists, Rhoades circumvented notions of taste and political correctness in a candid pursuit of the creative impulse itself.
It reminds me of the ultimate freedom of artists.
Once you arrive in Nassau, you will be met with a range of different tour options, but none are comparable to the ultimate freedom of flight.
Naked Fun To meet like minded singles, couples and groups who like to experience the ultimate freedom of being naked.
These cotton leggings will provide ultimate freedom of movement for your busy lifestyle.
Even where we act in our innermost being, claiming the ultimate freedom of committing ourselves we act always within a preexisting sphere.

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My Road To Wealth And Freedom -[January / 2018]- Subscribe to RSS feed My hope is that YOU will draw inspiration from my story and my ultimate goal of financial fFreedom -[January / 2018]- Subscribe to RSS feed My hope is that YOU will draw inspiration from my story and my ultimate goal of financial freedomfreedom.
The ultimate end goal, of course, is to gain you financial freedom.
David Thorstad, a spokesman for the h0m0s rights movement and NAMBLA, clearly states the objectives: «The ultimate goal of the gay liberation movement is the achievement of s freedom for all — not just equal rights for «lesbians and gay men, but also freedom of s expression for young people and children.»
that the task of the proletariat corresponds to the world - historical mission of the chosen people, that the redemptive and universal function of the most degraded class is conceived on the religious pattern of Cross and Resurrection, that the ultimate transformation of the realm of freedom corresponds to the transformation of the civitas Terrena into a civitas Dei, and that the whole process of history as outlined in the Communist Manifesto corresponds to the general scheme of the Jewish - Christian interpretation of history as providential advance toward a final goal.
In spite of this relatively diminished freedom, they nonetheless reduce the wealth of bodily inheritance to an adequate level of order upon which the ultimate percipient can stage its own contrasts.
Freedom also means liberation from pursuit, acquisition, accumulation and hoarding of wealth (arta), unbridled enjoyment of pleasures comfort (kama), without being regulated and governed by righteousness and justice (dharma), without orientation to the ultimate goal (moksha).23
It suggested a certain open - endedness that seemed to undergird human freedom of response to the divine initiative by pushing the fullness of God's being ahead to our ultimate future, in the definitive arrival of the eschatological basileia tou theou.
The ultimate failure of social responsibility is not to believe in our power and not to act on our freedom.
Where the atheist scientist sees only physical processes and laws that give rise to illusions of morality and free will, I see real beauty, truth, love, good and evil, purpose to life, freedom to choose and ultimate hope.
The eschaton of radical freedom for all is inevitable, the forces of History will sweep toward their ultimate victory — and therefore it is essential that every good citizen accept liberalism (communism) in his heart and promote it publicly, eagerly detecting and shaming bias (class interest) and intolerance (oppression).
Though as God incarnate, He had every right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of His own personal happiness, though He had the ultimate freedom to make His own religion, to say whatever He wanted to whomever, to call crowds of disciples to follow after Him, and to take up all the power and force of the universe in His defense, Jesus instead chose to give it all away.
We must remember that Whitehead is not a metaphysician seeking to describe the ultimate facts of existence (so WM 17 - 20), but a realist philosopher of science remarking on uniquely human matters such as perception and freedom.
The ultimate safeguard for the integrity and freedom of education is in the conscientious assumption of responsibility by professional educators.
Marxist socialism can not remedy this poverty of structure because its means — unity and centralization — are entirely unlike and can not possibly lead to its ultimate ends — multiplicity and freedom.
The ultimate criteria are truth, goodness, justice, freedom — ideals of worth which may be approximated but never fully embodied in actual existence.
This act of a freedom that denies God is thus the absolute contradiction, in which God is affirmed and denied simultaneously, and this ultimate absurdity is at the same time made relative in the temporal sphere, because it is necessarily objectivated and mediated in the finite material of our life.
This ultimate nature of freedom constitutes the highest dignity of man and the foundation of an authentic humanism.
Here we touch the ultimate mystery of freedom in the Christian sense.
But in every historical human condition the eternal dignity of man ought to be admitted, and all should have the chance of realizing the ultimate nature of freedom, that is, the action of eternity in time.
Different groups may not only have the same formal freedom, but also the ultimate correct attitude and decision in favour of that genuine goodness which is valid before God, even if this is differently interpreted.
Cobb deprives us finally even of such relative freedom as might be ours by excluding us from a principle of guidance which, while allegedly operative on our behalf, is wholly beyond both our own understanding and any hand which we might actively lend to the shape of our ultimate destiny.
As we have been led to expect, he denies that even man's intimate and ultimate relationship to God could ever rob man of his essential freedom and independence.
The passive both destroys and recreates the active in its own image; and the Christian life is spun on the axis of this holy freedom whose one end is sunk in the accepting mercy of God, its other end in the need of man for an ultimate acceptance.
It seems unobscure that the species of human freedom endorsed here precludes, at the very least, an immediate movement from ontology to ethics, from the «is» to the «ought,» without the intermediate operation of our functionally ultimate valuation — thus affirming, in part, Sartre's claim: «Ontology itself can not formulate ethical precepts.»
Whiteheadians might encounter a dilemma at this point, wishing to affirm, on the one hand, God's «tender loving care that nothing be lost,» and wishing to uphold, on the other hand, the tendency of creaturely freedom to resist any kind of ultimate unanimity.
The ultimate mystery of evil is that man in becoming human denies that which makes him human, his freedom in communion.
In addition, the working of this one ultimate actual entity through its many modes would entail, it seems to me, the loss of the freedom of these subordinate modes as well.
2If the ultimate moral assessment of subdivine moral agents requires a precise knowledge of those agents» «freedom ratio,» my conclusion suggests the paradox that such an assessment is impossible in principle due to an unavailability of the crucial information even to omniscience.
From this source, if he has rightly divined the matter, disciplined rational insight may discern that the ultimate components of this actual universe (and of every possible universe) must be evanescent occasions of sympathetic experience of other experiences which create themselves in freedom and love and then dissolve at once into new syntheses of experience in a vast, dynamic process that shall never cease.
Jesus is the Victor, the ultimate battle has been won and until Jesus returns (we) Susan and Lucy work to bring freedom to the captives and to contribute to the building of the Kingdom....
While work is necessary and we have the freedom the earn and enjoy the good fruits of labor, hustle culture creates a system where overworking is necessary and essential for material success and where the ultimate goal in life is to achieve wealth and prosperity, by any means necessary.
A summary of Merleau - Ponty's treatment of ambiguity points to Whitehead's notion of adventure: (i) the irreducible polarity of body - world as the ultimate scheme of existence; (ii) the irreducibility of perception to either pole of the body - world schema; (iii) the affirmation of freedom as both centripetal and centrifugal.
It is in the freedom before the challenge of ultimate Truth and penultimate truths, human persons are equal, an equality that should bc recognized by the law of the state so long as a person respects the same freedom of other persons.
If religion is concerned with ultimate Truth or God, it can not but have its implications for the whole of life, private and public, and therefore the fundamental human right of religious freedom should include the right to express religious faith in prophetic ministry in society and politics in the name of justice.
At their best these ritual meetings seem to have become great liturgical occasions, a public expression of the generically religious experience, the sense both of ultimate dependence and of spiritual freedom.
Here we can not go into the analyses of each of these trends or the adequacy of Ferré's interpretation of the recent trends in American theology, except to say that theologians of different persuasions, with the possible exception of the so - called liberals, while recognizing the usefulness of the history of religions, nevertheless agree with Professor Hendrik Kraemer in stating that only theology «is able to produce that attitude of freedom of the spirit and of impartial understanding, combined with a criticism and evaluation transcending all imprisonment in preconceived ideas and principles as ultimate standards of reference.»
The freedom of spirit is the freedom of God as the ultimate form - giving and life - giving reality.
This state of affairs not only fails to engage with the core issue at the heart of the culture of death, it also tacitly encourages agnosticism about life after death, human freedom, the ultimate nature of evil and the human need for prayer and religious practice.
The meaning of history as far as we are concerned at this moment, consists of the promise it holds of ultimate justice and freedom, of a fulfillment beyond our expectations.
One might conclude that the temporal epoch is merely a kind of neat little black box for tucking away the ultimate paradoxes of freedom and causality.
My weekend was not only full of food but also of gratitude toward our men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
«Our new partnership with Folds of Honor is the latest demonstration of that support, and we are committed to doing everything we can to fund scholarships for the families of service - members who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms
You are free to be your own kind of beautiful and have ultimate freedom in your business.
You will receive feedback from me that empowers you to fully embody the Deeper Truth of Who You Are, which is the ultimate foundation for joy, possibility and emotional freedom.
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