Sentences with phrase «ultimate human concerns»

Newman saw himself as seeking and finding an abstract pictorial code for ultimate human concerns: the polarities of light and darkness, of wholeness and transience, despair and longing for redemption, living and dying.
Practitioners of disciplines that pride themselves on their objectivity and neutrality sometimes make pronouncements on matters of ultimate human concern, but when they do so they invariably introduce assumptions not warranted by their purely empirical or purely rational methods.

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What could be more comforting to modern consciousness than to discover that «ultimate concern» and «sin» are essential and unavoidable characteristics of the human condition?
Rather, the new NIV here makes it possible for English readers to discover a more Catholic or Orthodox or truly Lutheran Paul, one who teaches that the problem with the Jewish law is its ethnic and temporary character and that human salvation concerns our real sacramental participation in divine life, real transformation, and ultimate resurrection.
Its source for all humans is the same, call that source what you will — ultimate concern or God.
This means not only that we are approaching the texts as fully human productions — I point out that statements of divine inspiration are statements concerning ultimate origin and authority, not method of composition - but even more that we take seriously that aspect of literature of most interest to cultural anthropologists: how it gives symbolic expression to human experience.
Stapledon thus brings together his basic concerns for a viable community and a metaphysic as his narrator questions the ultimate meaning of the only good he is able to perceive — the symbiotic love of two human beings.
This chapter deals with religion as a particular facet of education in a democracy, but more significant is the fact that all of the preceding chapters set forth a religious point of view by demonstrating what the life of ultimate devotion means in a wide range of human concerns.
It is my conviction that whoever has a human face can experience richness of experience, at - one - ment, healing and a passionate response to ultimate concern.
Kappen says «paradoxically, in spite of his avowed atheism, Marx's philosophical concern has much in common with the ultimate meaning of human existence.
In the first place such education, now as always, is concerned with the nurture of men and women whose business in life it will be to help men to see their immediate perplexities, joys and sufferings in the light of an ultimate meaning, to live as citizens of the inclusive society of being, and to relate their present choices to first and last decisions made about them in the totality of human history by Sovereign Power.
The primary concern of Christian mission is with the salvation of human spirituality, with the human being's right choice of structures of ultimate meaning and sacredness.31
Similar ambivalences characterize every human situation; ultimate and immediate concerns, long - and short - range goals, big and little questions, theological and technical perspectives are involved in it.
How, he asked, could human concern for ultimate concern have evolved?
«Energy decisions must be based... on values concerning the future of the world which human beings wish to inhabit... For Christians, the ultimate objectives of society are based on the biblical witness to creation, redemption, stewardship, justice and hope.»
In the struggle of the Reformation against all human mediators between God and man, this symbol was abolished, and, with that process of purification, the feminine element in everything of ultimate concern was largely eliminated.»
How did the urge for commitment to concerns of ultimate importance become so strongly tied to human life (Dobzhansky 1967)?
But he could not leave his science untouched by his deep conviction that humans were truly free and that life made sense only in terms of commitment to concerns of ultimate worth.
It encompasses those aspects of human life and culture that are concerned with the ultimate meaning and destiny of human nature and the relationship of the individual and of society with the supernatural.
If religion is concerned with ultimate Truth or God, it can not but have its implications for the whole of life, private and public, and therefore the fundamental human right of religious freedom should include the right to express religious faith in prophetic ministry in society and politics in the name of justice.
Whether formulated by Durkheim (a system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things), by Weber (that which finally makes events meaningful), or by Tillich (whatever is of ultimate concern) religion in its «classical» sense refers not so much to labels on a church building as to the imagery (myth, theology, and so forth) by which people make sense of their lives — their «moral architecture,» if you will.6 That human beings differ in their sensitivity to and success in this matter of «establishing meaning» there can be no doubt.
At the same time, I support Ryan O.'s concern about the need for quantitative arguments; I find personal attacks unacceptable in a scientific discussion; finally, from my experience I think that exposure of one's research to specialists in different fields can be extremely productive, to say nothing about the fact that as scientists are working for the humanity, speaking with educated human beings the scientist is speaking with the ultimate consumer of his / her work, which entails both sides to a mutual respect.
Existential psychotherapy is concerned mainly with the individual's ability to preserve a sense of meaning and purpose throughout the lifespan in the face of immutable biological limitations of a mortal existence (ie ageing, death) and issues associated with human self awareness (ultimate aloneness, having sole responsibility for our actions, choices and freedom).
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