Sentences with phrase «ultimate importance»

But when it comes to matters of ultimate importance, let's say....
Price - The final, and of ultimate importance factor is the price of the body pillow.
The rules of definition and verification are appropriate to the subject matter, and problems in these areas are no more than we should expect when addressing a subject of ultimate importance.
By theology in the broadest sense I mean any coherent statement about matters of ultimate concern that recognizes that the perspective by which it is governed is received from a community of faith.2 For example, a Christian may speak coherently of Jesus Christ and his meaning for human existence, recognizing that for his perception of ultimate importance in the Christ event he is indebted to the Christian church.
To me it appears that the struggle to restore the meaningfulness of the word» God,» which means to justify the horizon in which this word can have its appropriate reference, is a matter of ultimate importance for the health, even for the survival, of Christian faith.
Goals that are of nearly ultimate importance to me would then appear as irrelevant or marginal for Pure Land Buddhists.
And meanwhile that sharing will also tell me that there may be things — perhaps of less ultimate importance, yet enormously significant — that my perspective has not taught me to see or to value.
It enables us not to invest ultimate importance in any human endeavor, and so not to get discouraged when our efforts fail to bring in the kingdom of God.
But the issues raised are matters of ultimate importance toward which indifference is impossible.
But it is of ultimate importance against Everton to get a result, because our upcoming fixtures (Swansea away, Spuds home) are tough as well.
For example, a Christian may speak coherently of Jesus Christ and his meaning for human existence, recognizing that for his perception of ultimate importance in the Christ event he is indebted to the Christian church.
Ogden believes, as I understand, that on the question of ultimate importance for our existence, we can attain certainty.
Being able to adequately quantify and compare the shapes of cells or organisms is of ultimate importance for biology, says Dr Grieneisen.
The challenge of pluralism is to think through our understanding of Christ so that we see Christ's ultimate importance in ways that do not block our deepest appreciation of other traditions.
It is a matter of being grasped by something of ultimate importance.
In contrast with this experience, which is universal and important but not of central or ultimate importance, the experiences described in the next part of this book as defining religious experiences are involved in and illustrated by every form of human activity including the seeking for food and the appreciation of art.
For the only success of ultimate importance is holiness.
Is the affirmation of the ultimate importance of individual suffering and death theologically inseparable from an affirmation of the primordial and transcendent nature of God?
Hence his slashing critique of our banal talk about human dignity and the quality of life when we have not the faintest notion of what might give the individual ultimate importance or make life irreducibly sacred.
The ultimate importance of finalizing any process of becoming is directly applicable to Jesus» death.
A fuller explanation of the degrees of satisfaction and evaluation that relational thought envisions would, however, convey the same message about the ultimate importance of personal decisions and their impact on the future.
Today, at least, there is greater danger of treating the nation, or wealth, or personal success as if it were of ultimate importance.
Rational critics of Jesus» ethical teaching should recognize this: the end of ultimate importance is the creation of good and Jesus» ethic is perfectly adapted to that end.
Having a vision for your life is of ultimate importance to get where you want to go.
Mary was committed to that which was of ultimate importance.
Berkouwer notes that this idea «occupies all the churches» but that some misunderstood it in a «quantitative» fashion as if it were intended to reduce Christianity to its essential content, thereby reducing some truths to ultimate importance and others to relative importance.
To the skeptical eye of anthropologists, religious story, religious ritual and religious theory all make astonishing claims about the ultimate importance of a human life.
In this sense we may appreciate symbols as revelatory of the ultimate importance (of reality) while at the same time we acknowledge our own creatively imaginative input into their production.
They are the absolute truth, and of ultimate importance.
A further effect may be that of an increased consumerist attitude: the belief that my needs and my wants have ultimate importance and validity.
But if God as the Totality includes us in the everlasting divine life, if we contribute literally all that we are to God and make a difference forever in the divine experience, then all that happens has ultimate importance.
His children are also of ultimate importance to him.
Your family will take on ultimate importance to you.
Insisting that the Commission would not interfere with the freedom of the press, Mussolini's Keeper of the Seals, Alfredo Rocco, nevertheless maintained an exception for «any activity contrary to the national interest,» «faithfulness to the Fatherland» naturally assuming the position of ultimate importance.
For Buddhist women finding partners that were raised with similar religious traditions is of the ultimate importance!
The ultimate importance of the dispositif for Martin in seeking to understand mise en scène and film style in the most generative, diverse, and updated way possible, is for its liberating function.
Future events are sure to determine the film's ultimate meaning, but in assessing its ultimate importance and value, it would be a mistake for any present or future critic to denigrate «Munich» for its philosophical inconsistency, its muddled politics or its mix of impulses.
Banks follow a strict mortgage approval process in which credit score is of ultimate importance.
«I lost all other family members, human and animal, in the last few years, so Seal's ability to come with me to work is of ultimate importance
The work he creates supply commentary on minimalist belief systems and the ultimate importance of High Art practice.
As a student, Smith admired the work of Fernand Léger, Jean Arp, and Constantin Brancusi, but found the ultimate importance in the influence of Piet Mondrian and his interchangeability of form and space.
«While I do not doubt the ultimate importance of tolerance to direct effects of high temperature, this is a consequence of «shock effects» of high temperature at specific development stages.
In Supple, the ultimate importance of the solicitor's attendance notes was what they did record.
«We can not let this vision wither on the vine and we need to recognise the ultimate importance of a national voice at this level to protect and safeguard all expressions of community control.»
As is typically the case, when children's interests are considered, the game takes on ultimate importance.
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