Sentences with phrase «ultimate life goal»

Thanks to Guggenheim support, they're now shooting new episodes — with proper light and sound this time — and a promo spot for Taxi TV, which, says Rossein, «was, like, my ultimate life goal
My ultimate life goal is to spend as much time pantsless as possible.
But then I thought again: everyone is talking about how important it is to have the large, ultimate life goal... and then slowly working towards achieving it.
Her ultimate life goals are to be an advocate for all animals and help spread the joy that animals can bring to everyone around her.
Instead, guide your writing process with the managing editor resume sample and secure the right job for your career aspirations and ultimate life goals.

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The ultimate goal of public policy should be to improve the quality of life for Canadians.
At SpaceX, his steering a company whose mission is to «revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets.»
Today, SpaceX is actively developing the technologies to make this possible, with the ultimate goal of enabling human life on Mars.»
«Our ultimate goal is to support caregivers and enable seniors to be safe and continue living independently,» Whitehead explains.
Musk founded the aerospace company in 2002 in order «to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets,» according to the company website.
The ultimate goal of the company is to own and operate multiple franchise locations over the next 5 - 7 years, and sell the locations at the appropriate stage of its business life cycle.
Your ultimate success depends on you controlling not just your mindset, but actively participating in the pruning of your own life as you move towards your goals.
With a clear vision, and powerful life management resources under your belt, you'll be one major step closer to maximizing your time and reaching your ultimate goals.
Creating a lifestyle business has always been a dream of mine because it helps mix entrepreneurial passion with the ultimate end goal: living a better life.
We'll know immediately after the South Carolina primary if the US is ready for a president whose ultimate goal in life is to be a God in a polygamous heaven.
Yet what if the ultimate goal of all things is redemption and eternal life?
So the knowledge imparted was at different levels, - technical rationality, critical rationality to evaluate ends, universal human values, and the humanism of the person of Jesus - but with search for the unity of their inter-relationship realized in the renewal of personal and community life as the ultimate goal.
The consequence of such a life is apatheia, or euthymia, spiritual peace and well - being... Having achieved this ultimate goal, one's life is as autonomous, as uniform, and as benevolent as God himself.1
The fullness of life for each of God's creatures is the Christian church's ultimate goal for human life.
We are «secular» in the sense that we pursue the immediate goals of life, without asking too many ultimate questions about the meaning of life and without being too disturbed by the tragedies and antinomies of life.78
Some speak in individual terms of the cultivation of the Christian life or the salvation of souls; others state their goal to be the building up of the corporate life of the Church or of some part of it; again the goal is defined as the «communication of the vital and redeeming doctrines of Scriptures,» or it is otherwise described by reference to the Bible as the ultimate source of all that is to be taught and preached.
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has felt sometimes the WCC has not placed its thinking on the social content of salvation solidly within the perspective of the ultimate goal of salvation... the eternal life in God, «with the result that appropriation of eternal life is made to depend on social conditions rather than social conditions on the appropriation of eternal life»; and the Ecumenical Patriarchate has warned us that in «turning towards the anguish of the man today», the WCC must not forget the basic truth that man sees himself as hungering for an answer to a basic question over and beyond his acute interest in the most vital socio - political problems of the day.»
For we shall be inclined, if not certainly driven, to put temporary and proximate «goods» in the place belonging only to the absolute Good which is God; and as a result we shall attempt to live without regard for that last and ultimate environment which is the only «safe» context for all other values and goals that we may set ourselves.
Religions require for the sake of religious authenticity that our lives not be embedded too comfortably in any domain short of the inexhaustible mystery that is the ultimate goal and horizon of our existence.
Bill Gates still has the ultimate goal of living in a world where each household has at least one personal computer that is connected to the Web and thus, to everyone else in the world.
«Mormonism teaches that God the Father is an exalted Man, that Jesus, angels, and human beings were all the literal spirit offspring of our «heavenly Father and Mother,» and that the ultimate goal of the Christian life is to become exalted to Godhood ourselves.
While work is necessary and we have the freedom the earn and enjoy the good fruits of labor, hustle culture creates a system where overworking is necessary and essential for material success and where the ultimate goal in life is to achieve wealth and prosperity, by any means necessary.
According to my youth pastor, the ultimate goal of the Christian life was to draw closer and closer to Jesus, and that could only come about with time and serious effort.
As Whitehead and Deutsch imply, the ultimate goal of a fully interpersonal life is love, but justice is the necessary prior condition for the mutuality of love.
Certainly nature nurtures life, but nature is neither the ultimate source nor the ultimate goal of life.
I make it my primary goal of every day to get all of my «life» — my core need to be loved, to feel worthwhile, and to feel ultimate secure — from what God thinks about me as revealed on the cross.
Mondelēz International's ultimate goal: To source all cocoa sustainably, mainly through Cocoa Life.
The ultimate goal for him is to profit the most he can, because odds are excellent he will have a shorter life, will be pain as he ages and won't have much of a job in his post-playing career.
All the months of «fun» notwithstanding, a campaign lives and dies for election day — and the ultimate goal of all of those volunteer hours was to turn out voters on November 4th.
The proto - transhumanist Nikolai Fedorov (one of those Christian transhumanists who ought to be much more prevalent among the Christians of today) even took this idea to the point of proposing an ultimate goal to physically resurrect every person who has ever lived.
Our ultimate goal is to create a positive impact on the lives of these valuable children.»
The ultimate goal is to explain what role these phenomena play in the life of the embryonic stars themselves.
Dr Stephen Simpson, director of research and programmes at Arthritis Research UK added: «This is exciting, novel work in the field of regenerative medicine, which although in its early experimental stages, could take us a step closer to our ultimate goal of a more effective and much - needed new treatment for the very many people who live with this painful joint condition.»
The ultimate goal is a journey to Mars, when Orion would dock with another traveling habitat for extra living space.
With the ultimate goal of improving patients» quality of life, we hope that modulating myeloid pathways will overcome some of the limitations of current treatment options.»
Even though what we are doing at the bench seems focused on mouse, the ultimate goal is to improve patient care and quality of life for patients.»
«Our ultimate goal is to minimize the impact of pest damages on urban life with, at the same time, no — or minimal — negative impact on the environment, non-target organisms, and human health.»
«Our ultimate goal is to develop effective cure interventions that will allow infected individuals to live healthy lives without the need for daily antiviral therapy,» said Greene, who is also a Nick and Sue Hellmann Distinguished Professor at UC San Francisco.
The mission of CBCS is to provide a state - of - the - art platform and expertise for the generation of high - quality bioactive chemical tools (small organic molecules) for applications within life science research in general and with the ultimate goal to explore complex biology.
The ultimate goal for Ann and Limesand is to find an effective therapy to restore salivary gland function fully and improve quality of life for these patients, but others suffering from chronic dry mouth for other reasons potentially could benefit, as well.
Our ultimate goal remains the understanding of the function of caveolins and caveolae in a living organism.
«The ultimate goal here is to get some of our projects onto pharmacy shelves and one day have some of the medicines we develop change patients» lives
«This first light from the Keck Interferometer marks a dramatic step forward and will help us accomplish the ultimate goal of the Origins Program — to search for signs of life beyond by examining the light from «Earths» orbiting nearby stars,» said Dr. Charles Beichman, the Origins chief scientist at JPL.
«The ultimate goal is to strengthen the life science and molecular medicine sectors in Sweden by bringing together young talent, thereby creating unique and close collaborations across the universities, the Swedish national life science infrastructures, as well as the health care regions across the country.»
Greater attention to behavioral outcomes is critical for aging research's ultimate goal of increasing not only lifespan but healthspan, the period over which the quality of life remains high.
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