Sentences with phrase «ultimate loyalty»

All religions contain, at their core, something like a «metaphysical / moral vision» about what is true, reliable and worthy of ultimate loyalty.
The willingness of the churches, then, to offer development projects as a substitute for witness reinforces the shift from religion to national identity and obligation as forms of ultimate loyalty.
At the core of our faith is the salvation story, and it turns out that without the notion of a people or nation - without the concept of a group of human beings that share a way of life and agree about ultimate loyalties - the story can not even be told.
Religion as ultimate loyalty is profoundly relevant to public life, and the institutions of public education ought to promote it actively and explicitly.
If Buddhists can recognize that the compassion they crave and experience is from God, and that the compassionate God is also one who calls us to compassionate action and to whom ultimate loyalty is due, Buddhism will be transformed.
It is to be «in the world but not of the world,» free from all claims to ultimate loyalty except the vocation of witness to God's shalom.
Harrington, who understands better than many Christians the meaning of a culture's decay, actively seeks the aid of the faithful, whose ultimate loyalty can not be to the movement or even to the world which that movement seeks to transform.
Out right relationship with God and our acceptance of God's love give us the perspective that saves us from giving ultimate loyalty to any human cause, that perspective that keeps us going in an imperfect world.
Since government is necessarily finite and fallible, it can not define the object of ultimate loyalty.
God is the only one to whom ultimate loyalty should be sworn.
The high priests of consumerism, who are bona fide Christians, confuse us about their ultimate loyalties.
Ask yourself these questions, and then you will know where your idols are: Where is your ultimate loyalty?
Whenever any persons, institutions, rituals, dogmas, or writings are regarded as worthy of ultimate loyalty, idolatry is present.
And most importantly it does not excuse you from placing your ultimate loyalty to the nation above any loyalty to some religious community.
To be sure, the believer is edified, nourished and supported by church, sacrament and Bible, but these can not become the objects of our ultimate loyalty.
The ultimate loyalty of the religious socialist will be to God, who alone brings peace and justice and bread to the «halt and the maimed» by becoming one with them — which is the ultimate blasphemy.
Protestants today need to hear the good news that family life and work life do not have to be the ultimate loyalties of Christians.
By «perspective» I mean the realization that things will never be perfect In this world, that the ultimate good is unobtainable, that there is no such thing as a human cause or human institution without error and sinfulness, that only God deserves our ultimate loyalty.
Whether led by a formidable bishop capable of striding confidently into the Oval Office or by a body of local elders, the existence of the institutional church as signpost to the coming kingdom is indicative that the state does not command the ultimate loyalty of its citizens.
Otherwise it would be too easy to decide that since no human cause is without sin or deserving of our ultimate loyalty, since none will result in the perfect good, we may as well just sit back and sagely observe from an uninvolved distance the vain and foolish strivings of humanity.
More important, Hoge discovered that mission and out - reach — regardless of definition — is not the ultimate loyalty of either party.
Christ has renewed the human community through re-establishing the ultimate loyalty which restores man to himself.
Since the Christian's ultimate loyalty is to God and not the state in its demand for obedience to the law, the Christian always tempers his loyalty with insistences on justice with love that calls for an equality and liberty that holds the state's necessary powers of coercion under restraint and accountability to God.
In this view the intervention of the magisterium in the church's intellectual life should be, limited to those occasions when the church is dealing with matters of ultimate loyalty, such as confrontations of church and state, confrontations with other faiths, or internal schismatic movements.
What makes this monotheism «radical» is its insistence that God is beyond all the many, including the «many» through whom we apprehend God: Scripture, church, even Jesus Christ himself As the ground of our being and value, God alone is the proper Object of our ultimate loyalty and love.
But the weakness of that as an ultimate loyalty is probably so apparent to a group like this that I will not use my limited time to discuss it.
The ultimate loyalty is a loyalty to the Absolute, and in that loyalty — not the social gospel of doing good or the corporate gospel of wealth — is the only hope of creating a «Beloved Community.»
We render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's — and there's no question which realm commands our ultimate loyalty.
This level of versatility required a highly athletic and intelligent dog coupled with an ultimate loyalty.
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