Sentences with phrase «ultimate reality»

"Ultimate reality" refers to the most fundamental and truest nature of existence or the universe. It can be seen as the ultimate truth or the underlying essence that governs everything. It represents a deeper understanding of reality beyond what is superficial or apparent. Full definition
In general, realism is the belief that there is an absolute truth or ultimate reality of some form.
This can happen if one fails to see that any religious symbol or practice, however relative and partial, is an effort to express or attain the truth about ultimate reality.
All who reject the gospel do so because they have some other explanation for ultimate reality.
The fact that it may be «the same ultimate reality» behind distinct religious experiences does not by any means require that they result in the same religious end.
If one thinks ultimate reality is located no higher than human personality, what one does with one's life is one's own affair.
Or does it mean that ultimate reality sponsors, and thus guarantees, the eventual triumph of specific activities?
It is true knowledge about reality (in this case ultimate reality), given to us through the trustworthy testimony of others.
It is not only people who lack inward peace and the sense of ultimate reality who experience such suffering.
Paul thought of ultimate reality in transcendental and eschatological terms.
In describing this dichotomy, Walsch says that he is drawing on an «eastern» mystical definition of God as the «No - thing» kind a «western» practical definition of God as ultimate reality.
These have been formulated in different ways, but a typical list would cite life (including health, safety, and procreation); knowledge (including appreciation of beauty); holiness or religion (in the sense of harmony with ultimate reality); self - integration, justice, friendship (including marriage); and the kind of exercise of skill in work or play that enriches human life.
The concept of logos is accepted today as having affinity primarily with the world of the sciences, all of which, it is believed, give us a handle on ultimate reality and the meaning of human existence.
But if the kind of trust in God's love and loyalty to its cause that are Christian faith are, in fact, authorized by ultimate reality in its meaning for us, the encompassing whole of reality in its structure in itself must be as individual as it is universal, or as universal as it is individual, and hence an exception to the rule by which individuals and universals are otherwise distinguished.
Faith and Christian theology, however, affirm ultimate realities beyond what is merely empirical or provable by reason: e.g., the triune God and the risen Jesus.
As the soul is descended from ultimate reality, so is the idea appearing to the artist, and their re-creation is a way of connecting to the One.
Le Mans — part soap opera, part romantic comedy, part drama — is racing's ultimate reality TV show.
In fact, it is very anthropomorphic, that is, it describes ultimate reality in very human terms: father, son, weeping, rejoicing.
If we already presuppose, then, that the theistic religious language employed by the Christian witness in authorizing faith in God's love as our authentic self - understanding can be metaphysically justified, we can say — as I, in fact, have already been saying — that ultimate reality includes not only the self and others but also the encompassing whole of reality that theists refer to when they use the name «God.»
Significantly, it is this very threefold differentiation of ultimate reality into self, others, and the whole, or self, world, and God, that underlies the understanding of metaphysics that has been conventional in the Western tradition since at least the seventeenth century.
So when it comes to seeking the ultimate Mind, the first and final cause of everything, we can not expect simply tofit the answer inside our heads and grasp ultimate Reality with natural human reasoning, let alone within purely material categories of understanding.
They complacently assumed that when their own reasoning power was removed from its grounding in the only ultimate reality, it could float, unsupported, on nothing at all.
The Bill Nyes truly believe we are farther along than we are and that the human mind can comprehend ultimate reality and the Pat Robertsons and Islamists truly believe that the Bible and Qu «ran have literal meaning.
Despite the size of the cosmos, two elements in human nature seemed to the Hebrew more significant and more indicative o f ultimate reality than all the outer framework of the world — man's capacities for moral living and for fellowship with the Eternal.
First, Whitehead agrees with Spinoza that there is some one ultimate reality actualizing itself in all the entities we can know or think.
At the heart of every religious tradition lies a specific experience of what is deemed to be reality, indeed ultimate reality; the theories always come later, as people reflect about their own or earlier generations» experiences.
His serene confidence in the powers of philosophical rationality, when disciplined by logical rigor, to discover and describe the major facets of ultimate reality radiates from his speeches and writings.
Such things as time, history and particularity are so necessary to identifying God — the God of Israel who is the one true God — that a systematic disregard of this temporal particularity on behalf of a supraparticular ultimate reality that only some call «God» would be impossible.
All the present attempts to identify ultimate reality with theological and metaphysical systems and with cosmologies like that of Whitehead and his followers will fade away....
For the process view ultimate reality lies precisely in the world of the particular — the myriads of actual occasions that have ontological status in and for themselves.
Did not the SS guards claim for themselves the status of heroes — men (and in some cases women) who had the courage to keep in balance the appropriate brutality and the appropriate gentleness that a nihilistic view of ultimate reality requires of the «superman»?
Many moderns have argued that this is what history reveals ultimate reality to be — sometimes benign and rich with the bounty of life, and other times cruel and unjust in its utter arbitrariness, Since life in this world is contradictory and brutally unfair, so too, such thinking concludes, must be the only God who is realistically conceivable.
In this attitude, then, Jesus symbolizes for the Christian the intensity and expansiveness of universal beauty that characterizes ultimate reality.
We have all heard ultimate reality described as a dazzling light — the motif is in Shelley, it forms the centerpiece of the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead, indeed it is well - nigh universal.
and yet i recognize that's because of what I believe ultimate Reality to be: a God who honored that existence not only by creating it, but also by voluntarily entering into it himself & redeeming it after those he created had corrupted it.
Along with impermanence, dependent origination, typical reality vs ultimate reality, and emptiness the experience and awareness of no - self is considered a highly desirable experience in advanced meditation practice.
If Grisez - Finnis mean to expand their influence out of that corner, they are going to have to persuade people to believe the assumptions about ultimate reality on which their enterprise rests.
The terms used for ultimate realities in the East — Erahman, Nirvana, Tao, Heaven, and Kami — are almost entirely non-personal in connotation and experience.
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