Sentences with phrase «ultimate reason»

It is itself the sole ultimate reason for its own decision.
The ultimate question is whether ultimate reasons can still be suggested by science, at the boundaries of its limited, strictly naturalistic methods» and Gingerich affirms that they can be, citing several features of the physical universe that make it appear to have been «expressly designed for humankind.»
Also, keep in mind, if running out of money is the ultimate reason for failure, there are always other factors that cause this result.
Your support, feedback, endorsements, and overall enthusiasm for the industry and for Luno is highly energising and the ultimate reason we're building this company for you.
The ultimate reason for owning shares for most people must be to hold an investment that you hope will increase your wealth over time.
I also don't think we live for an ultimate reason but a reason we create every day.
The ultimate reason for avoiding the evil act is that it is harmful, not friendly, to one's being.
In either case the mind is faced with a conundrum: an endless regress without possibility of finding a First Efficient Cause, or ultimate reason, on the one hand, or an absolutebeginning without necessity, on the other.
In either case the mind is faced with a conundrum: an endless regress withoutpossibility of finding a First Efficient Cause, or ultimate reason, on the one hand, or an absolute beginning without necessity, on the other.
... this] is the ultimate reason for our conduct and behaviour.
The ultimate reason is not cowardice or unprincipled oscillation between old and new, or mere tactics, but the realization, even if not a fully explicit one, that the Church in principle can not in most instances adopt a definite attitude.
[6] It is true that we exist to worship and evangelize, but these things just bring more people into the church, which is circular reasoning if we are looking for an ultimate reason for the church.
Viruses and bacteria are the ultimate reason for sickness, disease.
The answer, I think, is found in the education of these people, their revulsion with imperial order, and the event of the Great Awakening where the American colonials concurred with Lebniz's comment, «The ultimate reason for things is called God.»
The suggested reasons for this widespread decline are numerous and varied, but the ultimate reason, I'm convinced, is not apathy or disillusionment on the part of the people.
But, in terms of Whitehead's later thought, this theory violates the ontological principle which states that the ultimate reasons for things are found in actual events and their relations.
The ultimate reasons for anything, says Whitehead, must be ultimately traceable to something in the actual make - up of a real existent, not to a mere unrealized ideal or to an abstract possibility....
He seems to hope that even though there may be no ultimate reason for unselfish conern for justice and ethics, nonetheless such behavior may somehow be useful for economic success and therefore «unselfish» individuals will survive better than their evolutionary rivals.
This verse gives the ultimate reason why God has done all of this for us in Christ.
The goal was rational, not in the sense of probing the meanings of the key terms and seeking the ultimate reason for things, but in the sense of seeking a unified and accurate picture of the whole and of all the details of the natural world.
In short, instead of seeking the ultimate reasons for things and events, the modern mind has sought to understand in more limited spheres, and it is satisfied with less ultimate answers.
Modern science seeks to construct a coherent understanding of how nature works, «without recourse to the miraculous or to ultimate reasons
While deep lessons for acting humanely can be learned from eating kosher (not cooking a kid in its mother's milk or not eating higher life forms like whales or monkeys) the ultimate reason for observance must simply be that it is divine and thus immutable and enduring — but it is still up to each individual to maintain the links of the chain of this unparalleled tradition for it to endure for future generations, for Mose and his children and their own...
Eli's sons did not repent and v25 tells you the ultimate reason for their lack of repentance.
Therefore, whatever source of power motivates the world process toward emergent novelty would appear to be the ultimate reason that there is the evil of disorder in the world.
Even in that moment, however, he knew that his bad choices were the ultimate reason for this senseless horror.
While there are many benefits to diversifying our friendships, the ultimate reason is that it teaches us to love others like He did — unconditionally and indiscriminately.
We believe the ultimate reason for using spices is to kill food - borne bacteria and fungi.»
«We believe the ultimate reason for using spices is to kill foodborne bacteria and fungi,» said Sherman, an evolutionary biologist and professor of neurobiology and behavior.
The true difference, however, is the ultimate reason why we're once again at 3 - 1 instead of heading back to Oakland all square.
I knew that I wanted to cloth diaper for many reasons, but the ultimate reason was that it was healthier for baby.
These moves could actually escalate a crisis and remove the ultimate reason for having a deterrent in the first place: the ability to strike back.
We know for sure that the mutation in the huntingtin gene is the ultimate reason why people get HD.
Would these daily activities be a progressive, but ultimate reason that it has become thick now?
The ultimate reason for why a bodybuilder has become successful is because he has found out how his body responds to training, he has found out what works best for him.
For many people, this is the ultimate reason to party.
You should always be aware about the ultimate reason to go for the specific date.
Props to the principle cast, and Brannagh may be the ultimate reason this Stan Lee creation works so well on screen
Sean Penn plays slain San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk (1930 - 1978) as if he were born to the part; he requires some minor hair and makeup touches, but otherwise, it's a true physical and spiritual embodiment (this may have been the ultimate reason that Penn moved to the Bay Area years ago).
Lara Croft is the ultimate reason to own an Xbox One.
Interviewees described those school leaders who were unable to meet the needs and expectations of both groups of parents quite negatively and identified the principals as the ultimate reason for their departure.
Pitting students and families against one another is not only ineffective, but also gets us further away from the ultimate reason we're all at the table: educating and supporting our students so that they can reach their full potential.
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