Sentences with phrase «ultimate revelation»

What doesn't compute with me, and probably a lot of your readers, is equating those truths with the complete and ultimate revelation of God which was Jesus.
It is just here that the skandalon lies — one who is a legitimate subject for historical research, with all its uncertainties and inferences, is nevertheless the unique and ultimate revelation of God.
The gospel of John sees the passion as the ultimate revelation of the Son's glory, while Matthew focuses more on Jesus's human suffering.
But am I not rather asking God to cast me into the bottomless pit, having briefly — after death — vouchsafed a wink of the ultimate revelation?
Mark Richmond, yes, the context in which I am reading this text is the ultimate revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
Although Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God — the Word of God incarnate — many Bible teachers and writers allow the violent portrayals of God in the Old Testament to override and trump the completely non-violent revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
It is in the Bible that we read about the Word of God — Jesus Christ, who Himself is the ultimate revelation of God.
Israel's thinkers concluded that here is the ultimate revelation of the character of God: He is righteousness and truth.
I just can not imagine Jesus (the ultimate revelation of God) commanding His disciples (or us) to go slaughter people in His name.
Though I do believe that all truth comes from the same source... I just happen to believe that the embodiment, the ultimate revelation if you will, of that source is Jesus.
Kelvin's ultimate revelation, a lament more than a triumph, is that he will never fully understand the Solaris.
To reconcile these elements and maintain the blurry line between fantasy and reality, Jordan imposes upon his characters bittersweet twists of fate and coincidences of convenience that make the ultimate revelation of the truth of the scenario a dishonest letdown.
The ultimate revelation that Owen is doomed to be another blood puppy like poor Father (Richard Jenkins), bald and old and mad and jealous into his dotage, is undercut by the boy's discovery of a photo - booth picture sequence that shows a young Father in thrall to ageless Abby (Chloe Moretz).
Understanding the real purpose of Safari was the ultimate revelation for Dr. Garner at this time.
Will we get the ultimate revelation about what drives him?
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