Sentences with phrase «ultimate truth»

On a personal level, how do you reconcile this pursuit of ultimate truth with your everyday life?
The problem is, however, that all conceptual knowledge is only conventional truth — not ultimate truth.
In a way, atheism is its own religion, for it has a belief (if you will) on ultimate truth.
I rely upon a singular method which is believed to be superior to obtain ultimate truth.
Or, perhaps, in dealing with our fears, we may come to know a deeper, more ultimate truth — one that we might have never found any other way.
The experienced Catholic reality is communal stories, rituals, and cultivated sensibilities that engage ultimate truths.
This is what happens when we determine that a book represents ultimate truth.
With strong performances by a very intriguing cast, particularly by Kate Winslet, Little Children manages to overcome the obstacles of the artificiality of the characters and situations to deliver ultimate truths about the human condition, particularly in the lives of people who normally wouldn't make for interesting study.
If we follow God as set forth in the teachings of Jesus, aren't we stating that, although other religions may contain some truth, the complete and ultimate truth of God is found in Jesus (above all other revelations)?
why do u believe silly bible as ultimate truth..
And even the idea that some book could contain ultimate truth is really the worship of images or idolatry in Christianese.
without implying the answer, so the very structure of reason, its very meaning and drive toward ultimate truth, implies the existence of God as Absolute Truth, as the very Ground of reason.
Many Christians can only provide life experiences and quote Bible verses that they have seen firsthand become ultimate truth, so if you desire more physical proof of a true biblical God, search for it.
Finally a study of Philosophy will show that assigning one domain of human knowledge and study to be a fallacy, as it the thought a creature with limitations can understand ultimate Truth.
And I love how different ideas about truth, including ultimate truth, can -LSB-...]
Here is the fact now, and you have got to justify it to yourself, your acceptance of it; and the justification has got to be based on such ultimate truths as will always be sacred to you.
Heavily influenced by the Enlightenment and the philosophical tradition of Logical Positivism (the idea that if something is not able to be judged true or false, then we are rationally compelled to ignore it as irrelevant), much of the modern Church has bought into the belief that the truth of Christianity should be treated like any other set of factual claims, and that people of faith can somehow rationally observe ultimate truth with a level of personal detachment and objectivity.
Against Enlightenment critics, she insisted that supernatural revelation alone provides human beings with knowledge of the most ultimate truths.
I have no idea what ultimate Truth is — but I know what it isn't and that is finding fault with people just because they are comfortable with beliefs that are contrary to my own.
Religious belief and scientific truths are all part of the same ultimate truth, says José Funes, head of the Vatican Observatory
Mastering this technique, we break through to «the other side,» experiencing the ecstacy and ultimate truth described by the great masters throughout the ages.
She writes in her artist statement that she feels she's pursuing some elusive ultimate truth, making it hard to discuss her work in a definitive way, particularly as abstraction relies on sense impressions.
But since the 1960s a quite different project, focusing attention again on the classical quest for ultimate truth in the midst of contemporary, post-Enlightenment culture, has been developing as...
Just don't try to inflict it on others who don't believe it, or try to pass it off as ultimate truth.
What I have found to be the ultimate truth is you always must have more work than you need.
It is also interesting to see that by engaging so passionatly in these discussions, creationists themselves are acting like science and not religion is the arbiter of «ultimate truth».
Considering evidence and observation are the ways in which we learn things to be true in the real world, I find it ironical that for the ultimate truth we are to ask no questions, observe no evidence and make only an emotional connection.
It is here, where the moral bonds of voluntary attachment have not yet been stretched beyond the breaking point, that true moral discourse can be maintained, especially, as Michael W. McConnell says, «over the highest things - matters of ultimate truth and value.»
We have the ultimate truth right there in the bible, its advice is all sufficient and absolute.
Who are you to say what is ultimate Truth?
Being a Modern realist, I tend to be more certain of the ability of science to obtain the ultimate truth which forms the basis of realism.
If there is a fault to find in his interpretive work, it is, I suspect, in the area of ultimate allegiance and ultimate truth.
History will show that there is an ultimate truth... to everything.
An atheocracy has no ultimate truths to guide it and no inviolable ethical principles by which to direct political activity.
And in this new perspective Jesus was seen to be himself the ultimate truth: the very embodiment of God's Word.
I can not see Catholicism as more than the right Western manifestation of ultimate truth.
The foregoing might seem to suggest that natural theology could be found adequately developed among pre-Christian thinkers who devoted themselves with requisite patience and concern to the discovery of ultimate truth.
There is ultimate truth, and if our lives are not ordered to that truth then our lives, and ultimately society, will be disordered because it is not grounded in truth: «Truth must consequently be the ultimate end of the whole universe... for the first author and mover of the universe is an intellect... and the ultimate end of the universe must, therefore, be the ground of the intellect.
In contrast, Caldecott states in the first line of his preface: «The book is about Tolkien's spirituality, by which I mean his religious awareness and experience, the things he believed about life and death and ultimate truth» (p xi).
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