Sentences with phrase «ultimate victory»

Similarly, the right tone won't guarantee ultimate victory in the marketplace, but that's hardly a criticism.
Spread throughout the courses are various speed and weapon pads that will help you achieve ultimate victory.
But, after Marcion, they were bound to the lordship and ultimate victory of God over all that is.
It is simply that whilst any fantasy writer can employ symbolism, Tolkien's symbolism was raised to the highest level through its understanding of the Catholic mystery — that is, that if bread and wine can become Christ, then the whole of reality has been hallowed and can be a sign of a future ultimate victory over the forces of death and corruption — «All things made new».
Characters can use items and direct homing attacks on each other with ultimate victory going to whomever can pummel ringless opponents again and again.
However, even if successful they will never be able to claim ultimate victory in their war against the poor unless we fall into the trap of looking at history through the policymakers» distorted lenses.»
It was not a refurbished MacKay so much as an opponent made to order that brought ultimate victory.
Hmmm... seems to have gone the same way as the Reich that would last a 1000 years and Marx's notion of Communism's ultimate victory as captured in the phrase the «end of history.»
A number of factors led to Bloomberg's ultimate victory in the general election, after a campaign that was largely overshadowed by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, with 50.3 % of the vote (to Green's 47.9 %).
The resultant maelstrom of violence massively weakened the USSR rather than strengthening it, but the ultimate victory of Soviet forces in World War II appeared to justify the Terror.
Others claim that the decline of communism points toward the ultimate victory of the human spirit in what has been essentially a spiritual struggle.
We are all weak in some (or lots of) ways, but we have a mighty saviour who cherishes us, graciously warns us of pitfalls, and who has won the ultimate victory on our behalf.
I would suggest, rather, that scholasticism apprehends the abstract potency of the Godhead, while a radical and dialectical theology is in quest of the meaning of the final actualization and realization of that potency, and therefore in quest of the meaning of the ultimate victory of Christ.
In Christianity the problem of evil, for example, is not an illusion which is to be escaped but the occasion for responsibility in this world, for struggle, and for ultimate victory.
The failure to build the mosque, Dowd perversely declared, would be a triumph for those who hate America: «the ultimate victory for Osama and the 9/11 hijackers is the moral timidity that would ban a mosque.»
The eschaton of radical freedom for all is inevitable, the forces of History will sweep toward their ultimate victory — and therefore it is essential that every good citizen accept liberalism (communism) in his heart and promote it publicly, eagerly detecting and shaming bias (class interest) and intolerance (oppression).
A simple, three - sentence report on what Elhanan finds when he returns to his hometown after the occupation seems to make a case for the ultimate victory of the power of evil: «The synagogue: transformed into a stable by the Germans.
For suffering thus borne, willingly and without resentment, becomes a means towards the healing of wrongs, and the ultimate victory of good over evil.
How this ultimate victory of Christ becomes our victory is not clear.
It symbolizes an ultimate victory which we can know only as promise and share only in hope.
But we are confident of smaller successes that will feed into the ultimate victory.
Liberals are frustrated at the moment, but are ever more confident in their ultimate victory.
Our hope is that the good which comes to be is not lost, but participates in the continuing life of God and thus shares in His ultimate victory.
A taste of the ultimate victory of just God.
The ultimate victory can never be man - won; it must always he God - given and God - achieved.
Still it would be consummated in an ultimate victory — when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and» great glory» sending out his angels to gather his people (24:30 f.).
Thus, belief in the ultimate victory of the biblical God may indeed be grounded in events in history, but not as part of self - evident progress; they are parabolic moments which point to the eschatological potential of God's power.
Christianity is positive, an affirmation of life's abiding values, a gospel of God's ultimate victory over evil, and of personality's expanding fulfillment.
I find this faith in the Christian tradition which celebrates the ultimate victory of humanity which God continuously creates.
And our power ethic is the ethic that believes in the ultimate victory of God who lives with people and gives them the power of true love, and justice.
To have faith that love is at the heart of the universe, that the whole scheme of things is conceived in wisdom and goodwill, that a divine purpose underlies creation and makes the ultimate victory of good over evil a foregone conclusion — that, you say, is obviously a most comforting and enheartening philosophy.
In him too, the ultimate victory of real goodness and charity is assured.
In the case of Christianity, it can be argued that its ultimate victory over Neoplatonism for the commitment of the intelligentsia of the late Roman Empire was due to its ability to assimilate the wisdom of Neoplatonism, while the Neoplatonic philosophers were not equally able to assimilate the wisdom of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
Malic played a huge part in the ultimate victory, sticking and moving his way through the Wildcat defense for 201 yards and two touchdowns in 23 carries.
«Victory, ultimate victory,» Churchill says.
Maybe they're wrong, and in fact it was a brilliant masterstroke to play Theo and crucial to our ultimate victory.
In 2007 - 2008 the Obama campaign raised online fundraising to a high art, and it became one of the most important contributors to his ultimate victory.
The result of the EU referendum could be considered the ultimate victory for Nigel Farage and his party.
The newspaper City Hall sat down with Fernando Cabrera, who defeated Maria Baez in the Democratic primary (tantamount to ultimate victory in the heavily Democratic 14th Council District).
The steppe had always afforded Moscow the ultimate victory.
Scientists are confident that an ultimate victory in this frustratingly protracted battle will be achieved in the foreseeable future.
The additional knowledge that I am fueling myself so well, and in doing so am nurturing and loving and taking good care of myself is the ultimate victory for me.

Phrases with «ultimate victory»

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