Sentences with word «ultraconservatives»

Say Mr. AJ Investor decides he wants 35 % of his money invested in foreign stocks and 40 % of his money in ultraconservative American bonds.
The threats against Mary Kogut are part of a coordinated attack by ultraconservative lawmakers who want to block thousands of people in Missouri from accessing critical health care and Planned Parenthood services — especially low - income women, who often have nowhere else to turn for safe, quality care they can afford.
In a statement announcing the extender, Cuomo said an «ultraconservative Congress» in Washington means «it is imperative that the state make especially prudent choices regarding expenditures and does not over promise financial resources.»
In building his case for why we can still believe the Bible, Blomberg effectively positions himself between liberal scholars who refuse to acknowledge the firm textual base on which the scriptures stand and ultraconservatives who insist on a rigidly literal reading of the Bible (often in the King James only) in the face of legitimate developments in our understanding of ancient manuscripts and genres.
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) granted $ 10,000 to Artists Space for the exhibition, but when the catalogue appeared with an essay by David Wojnarowicz that excoriated politicians and the clergy for their inaction in the face of the crisis — or for their outright attacks on people with AIDS — the NEA came under fire from ultraconservative politicians such as Senator Jesse Helms.
«You then had the audacity to campaign with ultraconservative anti-choice Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry, and made the following statement to reporters, «We're marveling at what they've done in Texas under Governor Perry's leadership.»
«It's becoming abundantly clear why ultraconservative Republican Rob Astorino is trailing in the polls and refusing to debate the Governor one - on - one.
Doubtless some readers of these pages will immediately suspect the writer of being ultraconservative for saying that a person can not hold these as his basic convictions and still be a Christian.
Because their son (Topher Grace) and his fiancée (Amanda Seyfried) have lied to the bride's ultraconservative mother (Susan Sarandon), the groom's long - divorced parents (Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton) are compelled to
The adoption of ultraconservative religious standards in Saudi Arabia led to the closing of cinemas in the early 1980s on the orders of hardline Muslim clerics.
«It's also no secret that ultraconservatives like Cox reject science when it comes to the environment — whether it's on climate change, clean air or the safety of drinking water.»
«When you look at their positions on cutting Medicaid, cutting education, opposing a woman's right to choose, blocking marriage equality and repealing gun safety laws, there's no daylight between ultraconservative Texas Governor Rick Perry and his ideological soul mate Rob Astorino.
«Doctors are often ultraconservative, so it remains to be seen whether they'll accept data from a consumer wearable,» said Raymann.
In terms of social change, some of the biggest developments in the region are happening in ultraconservative Saudi Arabia, where women are gaining new rights.
It would be convenient to blame these incidents on Islamists, but the perpetrators typically turn out to be students from ultraconservative yeshivas.
So many churches have developed ultraconservative political agendas about what we should and should not do and who we should hate.
Watching ultraconservative fundamentalist Republicans» faces as they try to bring themselves to vote for Mitt the Magic Mormon (with his history of por - choice and universal health care) = comedy event of the decade!
However, when Trump hedgingly suggested to over 10,000 students in attendance to «get even» in order to succeed, a controversy was born, and the outcries came from both ends of the religious spectrum, from People for the American Way to ultraconservative Christian bloggers.
Those nasty hard - liners are so hard - line and ultraconservative because this is a theological crisis in which the objective truth of the gospel is at stake.
James Nuechterlein portrays the debate within the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod as a political dispute: this is a struggle for power between moderates and «entrenched» hard - line ultraconservatives.
Usually ultraconservative in theology, seriously limited in their awareness of what full discipleship would mean, certainly unschooled in the subtleties of New Testament scholarship, they nevertheless find in Jesus their Lord and Savior.
Some join ultraconservative religious or political movements, or they lose themselves in mystics of earlier times as if no cultural distance separated us from the past.
Under fire for failing to win the big games, coach Tom Osborne has finally decided to open up Nebraska's ultraconservative offense
A pair of Pope Francis» close associates took aim at American Catholic ultraconservatives and accused them of partaking in an «ecumenism of hate» in the journal, La Civiltà Cattolica.
Though he never mentioned Astorino, Cuomo said Republicans are led by an «ultraconservative social agenda that sees society through a lens of fear and division.»
On Friday, for instance, Basil A. Smikle Jr., the party's executive director, called Mr. DeFrancisco a member of the «ultraconservative right wing of the Republican Party,» who prays «at the altar of Trump University.»
9 In 1981, Reagan's ultraconservative SG, C. Everett Koop, brought the traditional full military regalia back to the office.
And, best of all, there was the posthumous, lovingly assembled Imagine: John Lennon (88), including the famous 1969 anti-war «Bed - In,» the TV confrontation with ultraconservative cartoonist Al Capp, never before seen footage of Lennon at home and at work, and of course several plaintive renditions of the title song.
WHAT: When their family reunites for the weekend to celebrate the wedding of adopted son Alejandro (Ben Barnes), long - divorced couple Don (Robert De Niro) and Ellie (Diane Keaton) must pretend to still be married for the sake of Alejandro's ultraconservative biological mother, despite the fact that Don has since shacked up with Ellie's best friend, Bebe (Susan Sarandon).
Confidence at rock bottom, Max comes under the influence of the charismatic, ultraconservative Pastor Clive at Reid's evangelical church.
In his day Robert Henri was a maverick, but today his ideas seem ultraconservative and old - fashioned.
The epic struggle over clean energy that will define this century has been joined by the unlikeliest of Don Quixotes, ultraconservative oilman T. Boone Pickens.
It doesn't work for ultraconservative investors or those who want to leave behind a big inheritance, for example.
At a moment when civil religious symbols are more and more co-opted by ultraconservatives and the philosophy of liberalism seems less and less adequate as a guide to our public or private lives, a revival of public philosophy seems urgently needed.8 One of the tasks of such a revival would be to make the religious aspect of our central tradition understandable in a nonreactionary way.
Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, who opposes a convention, and Bill Samuels of the NY People's Convention, who supports one, are among those who warn that the Mercer family poses a threat to influence the convention with ultraconservative, pro-business measures.
Because their son (Topher Grace) and his fiancée (Amanda Seyfried) have lied to the bride's ultraconservative mother (Susan Sarandon), the groom's long - divorced parents (Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton) are compelled to more
The Taliban, which practices an ultraconservative brand of Islam, controlled about 90 % of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
Maurice died in 1993, and the business has largely retained his ultraconservative style.
Allies of Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, a relative moderate in the ultraconservative clerical regime, have won 15 of the 16 seats in Tehran in the Assembly of Experts election, Continue Reading
The problem is that ultraconservatives and fundamentalists don't think you can challenge «what God has built» and that allows them to justify greed and lets corruption run amok.
His face was covered in bandages from his plastic surgery operation and he wanted to cover up the procedure, as he belongs to a ultraconservative party that frowns on plastic surgery...
«I continue to be bemused by the ultraconservative lawmakers who say they want smaller government and less government intrusion into people's lives, except when it comes to who you can marry and how many children you should have.»
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