Sentences with word «ultrastructure»

A) OXPHOS functionality is affected by multiple interrelationships: mitochondrial ultrastructure, dynamics, metabolic needs and quality control.
Damage produced by eccentric exercise was more persistent than previously reported, indicating that more than 10 days may be necessary for recovery of muscle ultrastructure and carbohydrate reserves.
Furthermore, for the first time, we apply immunogold to identify protein epitopes at high resolution, by localizing antibody - antigen complexes to specific fossil ultrastructures.
«Although researchers have learned much about the effects of pharmacologic agents on Schlemm's canal as well as its local ultrastructure through electron microscopy, we know remarkably little about its formation, functional architecture and specialized molecular features,» says John.
Protocol was optimized to preserve antigenicity and synaptic ultrastructure (arrows).
Additionally, our analyses by thionin staining and SEM observations reveal DNA preservation (Figure 5a1) and an intact bone ultrastructure (Figure 4a2).
Physical barriers to carotenoid bioaccessibility: Ultrastructure survey of chromoplast and cell wall morphology in nine carotenoid - containing fruits and vegetables.
I believe that the skin ultrastructure of these dogs, and other wrinkled dogs, is defective; possibly in the amount or character of its collagen.
Reconsideration of relationships within the Thelebolaceae based on ascus ultrastructure.
Influence of endurance exercise training and sex on intramyocellular lipid and mitochondrial ultrastructure, substrate use, and mitochondrial enzyme activity
The article also expands on the phylogenetics, morphology, and ultrastructure of Osedax deceptionensis, another Osedax species that was discovered by the same research group in 2013 at Deception Island in the South Shetland archipelago (Antarctica).
This was also corroborated by their ultrastructures obtained with electron microscopy.
The cultures can be kept alive for different periods of time — 14 to 20 days at most — and not only is it possible to examine the ultrastructures of the cells, but also the effects of different agents on those structures.
Subsequently, the ultrastructure of mechanically elongated axons was examined to distinguish actual growth from a redistribution of axonal components.
The ultrastructure of the collagen fiber (A) and interstitial fibroblast - like cell (B — D) in the rope tissue.
Since the wavelengths of electrons are much shorter than those of visible light, the EM makes it possible to examine the ultrastructure of biological materials (such as microorganisms and cells), a variety of large molecules, medical biopsy samples, as well as metals and the characteristics of various surfaces.
Using myoblasts from DNM2 - mutated patients and using myoblasts and muscles from a knock - in mouse model of DNM2 - related myopathy, we analyzed structure of costameres by biochemical and immunocytochemical approaches, as well as their ultrastructure.
Furthermore, vasa nervora increased in density, and the ultrastructure of myelinated fibers in nerves was observed to be restored.
With the support of the Wellcome Trust to address this prospect, we have assembled a diverse team of researchers to explore the ultrastructure, biophysics, biochemical activities and cell biology context of cytoskeletal proteins encoded in «Asgard» genomes.
Peripheral factors comprise the muscle size, muscle architecture (pennation angle and fascicle length), and its ultrastructure.
Therefore, stretching does not reduce some of the mechanisms of muscle soreness, including damage to the ultrastructure of muscle, accumulation of calcium ions, cell inflammation, swelling and activation of pain receptors.
Ultrastructure of Buddenbrockia identifies it as a myxozoan and verifies the bilaterian origin of the Myxozoa.
«As far as I know, we were unique in the world in using a coordinated set of techniques to understand the ultrastructure of coral skeletons,» Falkowski says.
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