Sentences with phrase «umbilical cord problems»

Errors include failure to take into account the large size of a baby, failure to respond quickly to bleeding, failure to recognize or respond to umbilical cord problems, failure to respond to fetal distress, failure to monitor, failure to perform a cesarean section soon enough, misuse of forceps or vacuum extractors, and inappropriate use of the labor - inducing drug Pitocin.
Umbilical cord problems may result due to umbilical cord prolapse which may be as a result of the umbilical cord coming out before your baby's head.
While most newborn belly buttons heal just fine with daily cleaning, some babies experience umbilical cord problems soon after birth.
Having given birth to my first children normally, and wanting to have a natural birth with the twins, I was disappointed but given my babies» issues (position problems and a rare umbilical cord problem), this was best for us.

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Also call your baby's doctor if you notice any other problems with the umbilical cord area, such as:
There may also be an underlying reason baby is transverse - possibly a short umbilical cord or other health problem.
This may happen due to a problem with umbilical cord or placenta.
lack of oxygen before or during birth because of problems such as placental abruption (premature detachment of the placenta from the uterus), a difficult or prolonged labour, or compression of the umbilical cord
Even without the added risk of a multiple birth and premature labor, pregnancy and childbirth are still inherently risky, and healthy women who reach their due date can still experience complications that couldn't have been anticipated, like problems with the placenta or umbilical cord during delivery, for example, or unexpected fetal distress.
Problems that can occur during birth include a prolapsed umbilical cord, in which the cord precedes your baby through the vagina.
However, some major problems can be seen at your dating scan, such as issues with the umbilical cord or with your baby's skull or abdominal wall.
Using the basic housetraining methods like crate training and umbilical cord training is a great start for preventing these problems.
If you've tried them and you're still having problems, try another housetraining method, such as umbilical cord training or dog door training, or seek the help of an experienced professional dog trainer.
Doctors and hospitals who fail to properly diagnose illnesses in the mother, provide timely Cesarean sections, appropriately plan for delivery of babies who may be too large for vaginal delivery, or who don't detect problems like prolapsed umbilical cords may create conditions where the baby's brain is starved of oxygen, resulting in lifelong deficits in motor function and coordination.
This can result from problems with the umbilical cord or medical staff being unable to get the child to breathe on its own.
Zetah Louis was 35 weeks pregnant when an ultrasound showed possible blood flow problems through the umbilical cord to the fetus.
Such injuries may be due to medical negligence through the failure to recognize and timely respond to nuchal cord (the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the baby's head), breech presentation, or problems with the mother's placenta, to name just a few.
Oxygen loss can stem from several different problems, including uncorrected issues with the umbilical cord, damage that occurs to the placenta, or from when the fetus becomes stuck in the birth canal.
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