Sentences with phrase «unacceptable at least cost»

Because that is the way to reduce the likelihood of any level of risk that has been deemed to be unacceptable AT LEAST COST.

Not exact matches

The professional inventory managers wanted to charge Rourke a fee of at least 15 % of the price of every part — an unacceptable cost increase.
She is not the first post-Feminine Mystique writer to argue that motherhood — or, at least, certain approaches to motherhood — come at a huge, and unacceptable, cost.
Now, although the Kindle is a totally serviceable reading device, there's not much reason to «innovate,» because «innovation» means costs to publishers, which is unacceptable when they can just keep doing things the way they've done them for the last dozen years at least, cutting costs and quality — they're a lot like politicians in this sense — and with a recovering economy even Barnes and Noble can stay afloat!
At least until over regulation and environmentalist opposition caused an unacceptable rise in cost due to continually changing specifications and time required to complete construction.
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