Sentences with phrase «unacceptable consequences»

The bottom line is that the engineers couldn't get it to work, at least not without unacceptable consequences for fuel economy or drivability.
Conclusions from the physical sciences, such as the rapidity with which emissions must be reduced to avoid obviously unacceptable consequences and the long lag between emissions and consequences, lead to implications in social sciences, including economics, law and ethics.
This is an interpretation of the Whiteheadian scheme which has quite unacceptable consequences, but it may also turn out to be the only meaningful interpretation of the scheme in the sense that it is the only interpretation in any way distinguishable from the situation that would obtain if there were no God.
The policy causes unacceptable consequences, which ruins people's lives, puts them at risk of destitution and can even increase the risk of modern slavery.
«I worry that if society does not take action on the problem of climate change within the next few years, it will be too late to make a meaningful difference in emissions before unacceptable consequences are a foregone conclusion,» she wrote in an email.
For example, does making court records, which have traditionally been public but only available to those with the time and energy to go to a courthouse, available on the Internet have unacceptable consequences for privacy?
Conclusions from the physical sciences, such as the rapidity with which emissions must be reduced to avoid obviously unacceptable consequences and the long lag between emissions and consequences, lead to implications in social sciences, including economics, law and ethics.
* Therefore, we are left with two alternatives — a) take the really, really unacceptable consequences, b) or apply some kind of geoengineering.
«If people continue to exercise their choices as they are at present and there are no other significant changes, the resulting traffic growth would have unacceptable consequences for both the environment and the economy of the country and could be very difficult to reconcile with overall sustainable development goals.»
«In addition, deference to breed restrictions contained in local laws would have the unacceptable consequence of restricting travel by an individual with a disability who uses a breed that is acceptable and poses no safety hazards in the individual's home jurisdiction but is nonetheless banned by other jurisdictions.
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