Sentences with phrase «unachievable goals»

Proponents for the CSA argue that the Clean Air Act sets unachievable goals, especially for tropospheric ozone and nitrogen oxide pollution.
Unachievable goals will leave you frustrated and discouraged to continue with the diet.
Take those unrealistic expectations and totally unachievable goals of family life perfection and, you guessed it, let it goo!
«We're making improvement, but not necessarily getting at gap closure and certainly not yet — I think that would be an unachievable goal in two years» time,» Cheatham said.
You are sooo right Jon — this just replaces NCLB and does have even more pieces of concern — by the way — the testing will now include 5 year olds as K - 3 will now be included — thank God we are not letting those kids play anymore — the only thing the waiver provides is that it gets rid of the idiotic unachievable goal of having every student read at proficient / goal by 2014 — its nice to set the bar high but a little bit of realism wouldnt hurt when making policy ---
Moving out of your parents» house can seem like an unachievable goal.
It all started in 2012, when its founder Slobodan Stević left his job as a 3D artist, with a borderline unachievable goal — to develop his first game and make it successful.
A question to ask in 2017, with renewable energy and efficiency personnel departing from the DOE, is this: How crucial was the SunShot program in reaching this seemingly unachievable goal?
I also found this recent essay in to be very germane: Certainty in complex scientific research an unachievable goal.
Production problems are really a non-issue - Produce cars at industry average speed isn't some unachievable goal, everyone can do it and they will eventually - The auto industry said was it's impossible to ramp up as fast as claimed, and they were right, but that doesn't matter now because fans now think it's impossible to ramp up ever - This means when they do inevitably ramp up, whenever that happens, fans will claim Elon achieved the impossible and proved the auto industry wrong, never - mind what the industry actually said.

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What once was a lofty goal turns into an unachievable, daunting odyssey.
Subsequently, the global financial downturn in 2008 had the effect of making these three - year goals virtually unachievable only a few months into the three - year performance period.
But Schneiderman's reconsideration is just as confused: His proposals don't really relate to his goals, and his main goal — equal speed for everyone — is obviously unachievable and also extremely weird.
None of this is to say that the ultimate goals of the Oslo Accords are unachievable.
But, they also represent a goal — even if unachievable.
Future research aims to explore how to help sportspeople (and individuals with other goals, such as weight loss) realise early that some goals are unachievable and to have the flexibility to develop alternative goals that contribute to their long - term objectives.
The Building Trades Council came under fire after Investigative Post reported last fall that the diversity goal for the workers building the SolarCity factory at Riverbend had been lowered from the 25 percent originally proposed by the city to 15 percent, after union leaders and developer LPCiminelli said the higher number was unachievable.
More appropriate goals will result in «better opportunities for MWBEs and less time wasted by both agencies and contractors alike pursuing goals inappropriate and unachievable for specific contracts because they have been set arbitrarily to 30 percent,» Elmendorf said.
«For a variety of reasons, the goals were unrealistic and unachievable.
A first step in answering that question is to determine if there are planets orbiting other stars, a goal that remained unachievable for nearly 400 years after Galileo turned his telescope to the heavens.
Many people are liable to set a goal which is unachievable.
Kopp shows some awareness of the absurdities of her own experiences — including a «fundraising schedule [that] shuttled me between two strikingly different economic spheres: our undersourced classrooms and the plush world of American philanthropy» — but she fails to grasp that this very gap is what makes her stated goal of equality unachievable.
Those goals ended up being unachievable, and many considered them to be particularly unfair to schools that serviced a large number of disadvantaged students, who tend to be further from proficiency when they first enter a new school.
A no - dissent outcome can be a difficult, if not unachievable, goal in crafting regulations.
At the same time, the law's aspiration morphed into a high - stakes target for accountability — not for the politicians, with their unachievable demands, but for school officials who were given an impossible burden of meeting annual testing goals.
In most cases the goal for dog cancer treatment is the complete removal of cancerous cells remains unachievable due to quick, progressive and diffusible (spreading deep into the tissue) nature of cancerous cells.
Indeed, there have already been pronouncements of failure of the Lima / Paris talks from some green groups, primarily because the talks have not and will not lead to an immediate decrease in emissions and will not prevent atmospheric temperatures from rising by more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), which has become an accepted, but essentially unachievable political goal.
There will be — indeed, already have been — pronouncements of failure of the Lima / Paris talks from some green groups, primarily because the talks will not lead to an immediate decrease in emissions and will not prevent atmospheric temperatures from rising by more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), which has become an accepted, but essentially unachievable political goal.
Reason is a fabulous goal, but an unachievable myth, at least at this point in human evolution.
In 2006, a federal judge rejected a Department of Energy finding that federal agencies couldn't take action to reduce fuel use because petroleum reduction goals mandated by the Act were unachievable.
Emissions under the NPS would make the Paris goals unachievable, exhausting the carbon budget for the 1.5 - degrees Celsius limit by 2022, and for a 2 - degrees Celsius limit by 2034.
It is based on both supply and demand assumptions that have proven false over the past decade, and sets aspirational goals that have proven unachievable; the RFS must be repealed or significantly reformed.
However, these are unachievable and the EU has already massively failed with its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), as EU emissions actually rose by 0.8 percent from 2005 to 2006 and are known to be well above the Kyoto goal.
In the ruling earlier this month, the Court rejected a DOE finding that federal agencies can not take action to reduce fuel use because petroleum reduction goals mandated by the Act are unachievable.
Still, what's good about Wallace - Wells's article is that it suggests that radical environmentalists — some of them, anyway — are finally waking up to the fact that their goals are unachievable.
«The danger is biting off a goal in the short term that's too audacious or simply unachievable and then having to call it a complete failure,» Barnes said.
Impossible Goals: Vague, Subjective, Immeasurable and / or Unachievable — .
Hearing from a distinguished guest speaker conveys to Ross students there is no obstacle so great that their goals are unachievable.
When an unachievable level of perfection is no longer the goal, I can find simple solutions along the way to work with what I have.
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