Sentences with phrase «unaided on»

You're unaided on the planet singlehandedly fighting the Covenant.
Canine Companions must be able to lift at least 50 pounds, walk unaided on uneven and unpaved ground, have quick reflexes, and be able to quickly maneuver in tight spaces.

Not exact matches

It's powerful and costs hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, to create that kind of unaided awareness on a global basis.»
You may recall that we already reported on unaided brand recognition, where we asked Marketing Land readers to identify — without any names to choose from — the marketing technology brands they think of first.
I was in a big meeting where someone threw down their crutches and claimed healing and said they hadn't walked unaided in umpteen years... his picture was on the cover of that ministry's magazine.
Israel believed that Yahweh on occasion fought for them unaided and alone (cf. Hos.
Many of the religious countermoderns, on the other hand, were asserting a more pessimistic version of the unaided human condition, and hence the need of more radical divine corrective.
I would bet 100 % conformity on the belief that if one jumps from a 30 - story building, unaided by mechanical devices, that one would go splat and be killed.
You can easily put the carrier on and take it off unaided.
Safety: This is product is suitable only for a child who can not sit up unaided, roll over and can not push itself up on its hands and knees.
The research team used data from the Gateshead Millennium Study in north - east England, which provided information on when 602 children first reached out for food and other developments such as walking unaided and meaningful speech.
Older children can easily sit down on the toilet trainer unaided thanks to the clever design.
This walker is suitable from when baby can hold their head up unaided, giving little ones a helping hand as they learn to support themselves and grow comfortable on their feet.
Easy to put on and take off Like all our baby carriers, the Baby Carrier We is designed for you to use unaided in all positions.
Playing ball (rolling it between the two of you) Being able to stoop from a standing position Stand unaided with greater confidence and move around the room holding on to furniture.
Due to its clever and innovative design, Quinny Foldable Carrycot can be very easily folded flat for a truly modern storage solution.Suitable from birth to 9 kg (approx. 6 months), it can only be used for babies who can not sit up unaided, roll over and can not push themselves up on their hands and knees.
Her suggestions for using pink - hued white noise and setting your baby's biological clock are invaluable, and all new parents need to learn the real - life advice on helping infants fall asleep unaided * without * crying it out.
It is easy to put the baby carrier on and take it off, and it is designed for you to use unaided in all positions — even when you carry your baby on your back.
On an extremely clear, dark night, this galaxy is just visible with the unaided eye, and is considered to be the most distant celestial object visible without any optical help.
During September, ISON should become visible through binoculars and, after that, to the unaided eye as its head for perihelion — its closest approach to the Sun (at a distance of just 724,000 miles) on November 28.
So when LIGO researchers saw the now - famous signal just a few days after switching their machine back on, they carried out a series of painstaking checks to make sure it was real - even though they could see it with the naked eye, unaided by statistical analysis.
You've just landed on the Andromeda galaxy, which looks like a smudge of light to the unaided eye.
In fact, one of the reasons why unaided attempts fail so often, Glynn says, is because most smokers decide to quit on the spur of the moment or without adequate planning.
Instead she fasted on water for 4 days which got her on her feet and allowed her to walk unaided thereafter.
This evolution of technology employed in motorsport and on Mégane N4 allows drivers to adjust their damper settings easily and unaided.
AVALON, CA — For the first time since intensive restoration efforts began nearly 30 years ago, two bald eagle chicks have hatched unaided by humans on Catalina over the weekend.
After all, if a Bible writer, such as Jeremiah, had looked up at the night sky and had tried to count the visible stars, he would have counted only three thousand or so, for that is how many the unaided human eye can detect on a clear night.
He references «I can't breath,» the phrase uttered repeatedly by Eric Garner before he died on a sidewalk, unaided and surrounded by police.
We use them because unaided common sense tends to make errors, or have difficulty in processing large amounts of information, just as we use formal methods for doing arithmetic because guessing numbers by eye or counting on our fingers is error prone, and is anyway infeasible for large numbers.
The recipient can not use generic or general information retained in the unaided memory of the recipient's employees for the recipient's business purposes in the absence of a residual knowledge clause (though Canadian law is not clear on this point, as far as I am aware).
They will not need to exercise their memories, being able to rely on what is written, calling things to mind no longer from within themselves by their own unaided powers, but under the stimulus of external marks that are alien to themselves.
Users were asked to complete the test unaided and give feedback on the clarity of instructions, easy - of - use, and other factors.
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