Sentences with word «unalterable»

That process creates a practically unalterable record of the transaction — think of an impossibly complicated accountant's ledger visible to the whole network.
Peter Brown in analysing this and other texts from Tertullian writes that the «misogyny to which Tertullian appealed so insistently was, in his opinion, based on unalterable facts of nature: women were seductive, and Christian baptism did nothing to change this fact.»
Belief in unalterable dogma without critical analysis and self - reflection?
[20] Peter Brown in analysing this and other texts from Tertullian writes that the «misogyny to which Tertullian appealed so insistently was, in his opinion, based on unalterable facts of nature: women were seductive, and Christian baptism did nothing to change this fact.»
Block - Blocks are where unalterable data from the network is stored, mainly the data for transactions.
In contrast to the sons who see war as fated and fraught with unalterable consequence, Clemenza views it as an almost neutral occurrence with little lasting effect.
Remediable tasks, also referred to as expanded functions of dental assistants, are those intra-oral tasks which do not create unalterable changes in the oral cavity or contiguous structures, are reversible and do not expose a patient to increased risks.
Blockchain technology, allowing multiple players to have access to a live, unalterable digital ledger, offers game - changing possibilities for international trade finance.
If there are serious unalterable problems such as abuse or neglect, or when both parties no longer want to work it out, you may have no choice but to file for divorce.
Having endured for half a century a Court that seized authority not confided to it to lay down as unalterable law a liberal social agenda nowhere to be found in the actual Constitution of the United States, conservatives must decide whether they want a Court that behaves in the same way but in the service of their agenda.
In that theory, invariant developmental outcomes can not be identified with an organism's «nature,» if by that term is meant a set of predetermined and unalterable features, such as a genetic blueprint.
The frog feels time pass, but from the bird's perspective it's all just one eternal, unalterable mathematical structure.
The firearm creates a record each time it is drawn or fired on a transparent and unalterable blockchain, so that firearm used by police personnel will be used to make departments more accountable.
Our present actions shaped by unalterable conditions of the past in turn help to shape in bringing closer an anticipated and projected future, which is thereby partially under our control.
The second half of James White is given over to Gail's unalterable condition, and Abbott and Nixon hunker down as their characters travel down a road that only has one final destination.
Catholics believe that baptism has certain objective and unalterable consequences.
The key to employing a Blockchain system in processing petitions and electoral votes is to encrypt votes onto the immutable Blockchain network as transactions, to ensure that the specific piece of data remains unalterable and invulnerable to manipulation.
We say that as surely as an apple can not be changed to a pear, so surely is a person's nature unalterable.
Microchips are tiny devices that provide a permanent and unalterable identifier for your cat or dog.
An ISO - compliant microchip contains a unique and unalterable identification number that is recognized in most countries around the world.
Blocks are the files where unalterable data related to the network is permanently stored.
If aspects of your relational and work lives feel unalterable and mystifying, you may also find your body underscoring the feelings through symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and unhelpful behavior patterns.
Each is programmed with a unique, unalterable code number and some sort of information identifying the chip's manufacturer.
However, Judas had loyalty... unalterable loyalty to the «messiah.»
It is what I find the most ironic of the most strident biblical literalists: by attempting to fix the bible into one single, unalterable interpretation, instead of an ongoing conversation, they are sowing the seeds for its own obsolescence.
Eve thus signifies how humanity is complete in two unalterable genders.
Is it the true and unalterable one which bears his essential characteristics, or the one which he took up for our sakes when he assumed the form of a servant?»
«I have followed [the Church] in giving our party program the character of unalterable finality, like the Creed.
To recapitulate, a whole is a self - powered reality, both embracing and feeling many unalterable and objectified others simultaneously, and creating a new specification (inclusive of the many felt) to be felt as a changeless determination by many superseding wholes.
This new - making is necessarily subjective (conceptual) and must include the objective (physical) as that aspect of its whole, growing self that is stubbornly, necessarily unalterable.
A major theme for Wyschogrod is that God's election of Israel is based solely on God's unalterable love and hence can not be abrogated from the human side.
Mixing «Corpuscles of Sand with... Saline ones» produced glass that is «more lasting and more unalterable» than many natural elements.
Polytheisms, essence religions and mystery cults, on the other hand, invoke unalterable forces and eternal returns; they attribute events to inevitability, inscrutability and whim.
Of course such a view is not absolutely unalterable, and the individual may even contribute to its change.
And now let the revolutionists choose a creed from all the creeds and a god from all the gods of the world, carefully weighing all the gods of inevitable recurrence and of unalterable power.
In the post-modern West, well before believers can proclaim revealed truth, they're forced to combat the epistemological consequences of the dictatorship of relativism — to explain the possibility that truth claims can have real, objective, and unalterable meaning.
In other words, because certain unalterable factors compel us to advance, with no possibility of return, in the direction of increasing hominization, must we conclude that biological evolution on Earth will easily achieve its purpose — that Thought will necessarily succeed in so shaping itself that in the end it will comprehend everything?
Drawing on the New Testament's account of Jesus's command to the rich young man — sell all your possessions and follow me — Veritatis Splendor champions the spiritual heroism that makes great sacrifices in order to obey truth's unalterable demands.
But we do not choose our brothers and sisters in Christ, nor that larger family of all humanity to which we have unalterable obligations.
Unlike ethno - regional identity which is generally unalterable and thus easier to exploit in an «us versus them» manner, class status is fluid and aspirations of class mobility are strong even among poorer segments of the population.
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