Sentences with phrase «unambiguous answers»

Jones had been billed as the person who would finally provide some unambiguous answers to the Melungeon question, yet he began by telling them that their DNA didn't prove much of anything at all.
U.K. Prime Minister Says «Highly Likely» Russia Responsible For Ex-Spy Poisoning THE TWO - WAY U.K. Prime Minister Says «Highly Likely» Russia Responsible For Ex-Spy Poisoning «President Trump said the U.S. was with the U.K. all the way, agreeing that the Russian government must provide unambiguous answers as to how this nerve agent came to be used,» the spokesperson added.
Neo-Calvinism offers clear, unambiguous answers for those who want closure.
That's the sense in which the data give an unambiguous answer that we had the rise of economic growth through the middle of the 20th century, and then a falling off, a slackening of the pace, of innovation and economic growth since then.
For the question whether Whitehead is a Platonist or an Aristotelian does not, at first sight anyway, admit of an unambiguous answer.
In each case, however, the tension in the title is at variance with a text that reaches for the unambiguous answer that religion is ultimately about peace, and that peace is what God wants.
The classic passage, Peter's confession of the Messiah, does not give an unambiguous answer to the question, since the oldest tradition does not tell us how Jesus received that confession of the disciple.
Downing Street has admitted there is «no simple unambiguous answer that's going to please everybody».
Currently, we do not have access to research that will give an unambiguous answer about which exercises transfer best to COD ability.
It is indeed worrying that this single most important question hasn't been treated theoretically and that there has been no clear, unambiguous answer despite the large investment put in the development of GCMs.
Except that the «Byrd station data» does not give an unambiguous answer on its own, due to the sensor change and tons of missing data.

Not exact matches

The answers you end up with should be unequivocal and unambiguous.
The unambiguous, sole answer is: «You shall not do any work.»
Giving kids vaccines is the absolute, unambiguous standard of care, as easy an answer as I will ever be able to offer.
Ideally, experimental studies answer a research question in a complete and unambiguous manner that is consistent with other known results.
So far, the answer of whether or not dog DNA tests work has been an almost unambiguous Yes.
Science is expected to give decisive answers to the debate and unambiguous instructions to politics.
The answer appears unambiguous: a properly drafted release will be fully enforced by the courts...
Regardless of the context of the first solicitation, Officer Jones» second solicitation was made in willful refusal to accept Betty's unambiguous «no» for an answer; this is sexually coercive behavior, specifically postrefusal sexual persistence.
This paper has no answer to these important questions but it does provide us with an exemplary model of how to conduct a rigorous, multicentre clinical trial that gives a clear and unambiguous guide to the limitations of current treatment technology.
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