Sentences with phrase «unambiguous language»

On the other hand, the defendants» written submissions argue at length that the clear and unambiguous language of Clause 3.3 represents the entirety of the parties» reasonable expectations regarding contract renewal [para 89 of the Respondents» Factum].
A recent case heard before the Court of Appeals for Ontario highlights the importance of unambiguous language in termination clauses, as any ambiguity will render the clause unenforceable.
Policies that explain this in distinct and unambiguous language provide additional defenses for an employer if they are the target of a harassment or discrimination lawsuit.
While not a complete solution, unambiguous language stating that rights revert automatically upon termination can help prevent a number of legal problems.
«The best way to avoid future problems is to have clear, concise, unambiguous language everyone understands, which protects both parents and the children.»
«It is clear from the plain and unambiguous language of the Term Limits Law that it has not and does not prohibit a sitting elected official from seeking a different town office from the one they currently hold,» Colaiacovo wrote.
There is not a doctrine you stated on your page that you doubt that is not communicated and written in clear and unambiguous language in the Bible.
The laws, which take effect on May 25, require companies to explain how they plan to use people's personal information in simple, unambiguous language and detail what other entities will gain access to that data.
«Ignoring the clear and unambiguous language of the state's longstanding teacher evaluation law, the Stull Act, the court refused to compel school districts to take student test scores into account when evaluating teachers,» the statement reads.
We require full disclosure of the donation benefitting North Shore Animal League America on all packaging, advertising, and promotional materials in clear and unambiguous language.
(Features) Birmingham Evening Mail (England); December 30, 2002; Doug, Roshan; 584 words... unprecedented use of unambiguous language, our Culture Minis - ter branded the shortlisted Turner Prize exhibitions at Tate Modern as «conceptual bulls ** t» (or was he referring to the elephant dung exhibit that was short listed a few years...
One gets the defintions straight — using the unambiguous language of mathematics — so that there can be no doubt as to what is being claimed.
The state supreme court said Placide's retention of fees from outside clients constituted theft, as defined by the «unambiguous language» of Washington state law.
The Court stated that «an enforceable employment contract must contain clear and unambiguous language to extinguish, or limit, an employee's common law rights».
The Court of Appeal disagreed and allowed the appeal and held that the contract of insurance not only provided for a one - year limitation period in clear and unambiguous language, it overrode the two - year limitation period in the Limitations Act, 2002.
But as Legal Solutions Group comprises both business people and licensed attorneys, we don't construct contracts in obscure «legalese» but in clear, unambiguous language that is simple for everyone involved to understand.
Legislation should be written in plain, unambiguous language.
The parties» intention to create a restrictive covenant «must be shown in clear and unambiguous language» (at para 24).
A courts will only limit an employee's entitlement to continuation of these benefits if the employee's employment contract (which can include an employee's policies) contains clear and unambiguous language to the contrary.
supported by clear and unambiguous language in the patent.
Accordingly, we hold that, in the absence of a specific appropriation, or a statutory, constitutional, or federal mandate as discussed below, the unambiguous language of Section 230 prohibits the withdrawal of funds from the state treasury.»
The Huang decision was presented in a succinct collegiate judgment expressed in unambiguous language.
The end result is a new lease form written in plain, unambiguous language that responds to tenant concerns but still protects the landlord's interest.
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