Sentences with phrase «unanswered than answered»

«When you dive into the detail, there are more questions left unanswered than answered.
Unfortunately I now have more unanswered than answered questions.

Not exact matches

I think that letting their taunts go unanswered says volumes more than answering them in kind.
«I'd rather have all my questions unanswered and walk with God than not walk with God and have all my questions answered.
«More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones,» Truman Capote wrote in his unfinished novel, Answered answered prayers than unanswered ones,» Truman Capote wrote in his unfinished novel, Answered Answered Prayers.
If you are still with unanswered questions, just contact Dos Manos travel agency in Peru and our multilingual staff will be more than happy to give you accurate answers and travel tips!
I hope you get answers soon... nothing is worse than unanswered questions and waiting!!!
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