Sentences with phrase «unattainable level»

Meanwhile, digital weaving — which has been used in textile production for decades and recently adapted for artistic purposes (further discussion below)-- achieves a previously unattainable level of precision, color fidelity, subtlety, and complexity for textiles.
Hype is an unattainable level of excitement.
Meanwhile, Audi officially teased new lighting technology that will also debut at this year's Frankfurt Motor Show called Matrix OLED that will «enable a previously unattainable level of lighting homogeneity, opening up further creative opportunities for design,» according to automaker.
If I wasn't striving for an unattainable level of perfection, who would even want to work out with me?!
There wasn't much point in Christ dying for you if you're going to go around feeling bad all the time like you have to achieve some unattainable level of morality — and one person's piety is another person's neurosis.
EPA's latest ethanol volume proposal — reducing volumes from unattainable levels set out by Congress a decade ago — is the right move, but more is needed

Not exact matches

Chamath Palihapitiya, Social Capital's chief executive, admits those levels are unattainable — that many investments would quickly add up to billions of dollars — and says they're more of a message to the people building CaaS that the firm is serious.
This level of productivity was previously unattainable with existing silicon devices and existing silicon design methodologies, with transistors working in active mode, not slow sub-threshold.
At a fundamental level all science is tentative, so, in a certain sense, a «definitive» answer is unattainable.
Mr. Suarez and other business leaders fear that the provision would undermine economic development in the state by holding projects to an unreasonable — and unattainablelevel of environmental stewardship.
Because the computer model uses an overwhelming amount of physical, chemical and biological data, the supercomputer simulation allows scientists to analyze brain waves at a level of detail simply unattainable with traditional monitoring of live brain tissue.
The SMR - 160 is advanced only in the sense that it exploits gravity to drive passive plant cooling to levels of safety unattainable by large conventional nuclear power plants.
Although in theory I believe all students should have to reach the basic academic levels required by the test, in reality these goals are unattainable for some.
The Ministry of Finance calculated free tuition for all students would cost 2.1 trillion Chilean pesos, or $ 3.14 billion per year, an amount deemed unattainable given the level of economic growth and tax revenue at the time.
As a condition of Texas» waiver from NCLB requirements — necessary to ensure exemption from unattainable accountability standards and the flexibility of federal funds — USDE had required the state to ensure that student growth at the individual teacher level would be a significant component of teacher appraisals.
«The interior presents modern luxury at a level previously unattainable in this class, and transports the user interface into the digital age.»
In an effort to appeal to real world consumers, Honda's recent breakthroughs in fuel cell technology will enable levels of performance, room, comfort, and dynamic styling previously unattainable in a fuel cell car.
It's important to evaluate as many bank deals as possible to find a deal that doesn't require unattainable account activity levels and won't expire soon after you open an account.
Launching the original Nintendo Entertainment System to a level thought unattainable when the console was originally released, it put Nintendo on the map for good.
Limiting global warming to a given level (like 1.5 °C) will require more and more rapid (and thus costly) emissions reductions with every year of delay, and simply become unattainable at some point.
IBA represents the ideal business model to achieve a higher - level of life balance otherwise unattainable, while allowing you to focus on achieving your life's purpose.
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