Sentences with phrase «unbelievers because»

Most of us read the newspapers like unbelievers because, despite all the Easter sermons, we have restricted God to the period during which the Bible was written.
many non believers have been deceived by the catholics etc as they also have the wrong information about Our God and this is why so many remain unbelievers because don't have the correct information given to them if thye did they may understand and accept that the truth is about Compassion.
Sometimes, we overlook the sins of other believers because we recognize they are «sinners saved by grace» but then condemn and correct certain behaviors of unbelievers because we want to show our separation from the world.
Sometimes what you say makes me wonder if I wouldn't be happier socializing with unbelievers because we Christians can be a pretty uptight bunch!
He does not help the unbeliever because his discussion of the presuppositions of history - writing is faulty.

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Yes, to believe in God is ridiculous for the unbeliever, it's true, God does not exist for them, even the Bible will support that, and yes, prayer is ridiculous too — that is for the unbeliever; because an unbeliever just doesn't know how or where to see or hear an answer to prayer.
Thank - you Cecilia, but if you don't believe, then you are where you are because of your unbelief, and what fellowship does a believer have with an unbeliever: We are not of the same Spirit: Therefore it can not be, even as is written:
Jesus doesn't disappear because there are unbelievers.
If by some wild stretch of imagination there was a heaven (which there isn't) and I was not allowed to ever enter because I was an unbeliever, then fine by me.
For them it would have happened anyway: like the person who had cancer and there was an intercessory prayer offered up and the cancer disappeared, to the unbeliever it was just a fluke because you can't give credit to something, which to them, doesn't exist.
All who were in the Bible spoke in and by the Holy Spirit in boldness when it came time for them to minister the Word, even as it is with me, also to bring forth my testimony as a witness: I can not fellowship with unbeliever's because all they do is cause division, and Christ is not divided: Therefore; remain as you are: This is the third time I have come to you, and you rejected me for the Word of God: Many did not even know that Jesus spoke the Word of God through Holy Spirit, so how is it that you are to know unless it be given to you to know: My God is Just and He is right, He knows the hearts of man are wicked and have turned from Him: Thank - you all, there are some that did get it: Thank - you Father in Jesus name Alexandria:
It doesn't say anywhere in the quran to slay unbelievers just because they are unbelievers, it says to treat them with respect and respect whatever they believe in.
It seems that Christians depend on God to enable them to do good because they simply can't believe they can do it on their own, they believe they are too weak, but if that were true, why are unbelievers able to be kind, giving, loving and unselfish?
I didn't believe Christ is who He says he is because my parents said so...... they were unbelievers.
Martin fails to help both believers and unbelievers understand what the alternatives are for dealing with this issue of faith and history because, in a fashion now considered politically correct, he advocates what he calls «multiperspectivism.»
Those of us who believe will never stop because an unbeliever has a difference of opinion, so I guess we're even.
I can go up to an unbeliever and let him know that his debt due because of sins have been taking away.
in fact, in our sermon this morning the asst. pastor said that he much preferred his church family over his real family (because they are unbelievers)- and that we should prayerfully consider who we hang out with as well (lest we be tainted).
Blessed are the Cheesemakers, «Exactly, because if they had any actual connection to reality they could be shown to be true and unbelievers would then become believers.
Exactly, because if they had any actual connection to reality they could be shown to be true and unbelievers would then become believers.
there is something i could tell you, but i do not want to tell you this, because it would be controversial and im afraid that to the unbeliever it could do the gospel harm.
Because if he is not cool with you killing unbelievers then he has changed his mind.
14 But the unbeliever [a] does not welcome what comes from God's Spirit, because it is foolishness to him; he is not able to understand it since it is evaluated [b] spiritually.
I don't * really * see the relevance in you defending your disbelief, unless you DO N'T believe in human evil BECAUSE you're an unbeliever?
Unbelievers do nt get a finger pointed at them because they are obviously not set free from their sins.
Tweet: «Life is good because I know that the God of love and kindness exists and unbelievers will burn in hell.»
I scored a 9/10 on the quiz, rather well I think but it is not because I am «religious» nor am I an «unbeliever
If I'm an unbeliever till my dying day and am punished (however you believe that punishment to be, whether its eternal hel.lfire or just barred access into heaven) I can't exactly go back and redo my life believing in god because I know the consequence.
Very well said Tim — You forgot to mention to have the unbelievers explain fish skeletons scientists have found over the years in the clefts of mountain top ranges, shark teeth discovered all in the Arizona deserts — Of course we know it was the flood — To a lot of non believers I speak to; it's sad because as opposed to looking / researching God's many evidences that He has left there are so many willfully ignorant in listening to modern man's (& I might add) opinion with nothing to back up evolution theories.
Some may and do, but I would say most come to also chat about religion and ask the questions that believers don't, that's usually when the name calling starts because believers get up in arms when they have trouble answering the tough questions and accuse any unbelievers of being nasty and mean and trying to get them to stop believing in god.
And it is also the reason why so many unbelievers mock Christians — because Christians are often fiercer than wolves, despite the fact that Jesus told his disciples to be innocent as doves.
So just because we are believers, that don't mean we should allow unbelievers and atheists to run amok and do and say whatever you want.
It is common among Calvinistic teachers and authors to say that the reason unbelievers can not believe the gospel is because their minds have been darkened by the god of this age.
Finishing up, my objection to unconditional election arose because I had accepted the common teaching of eternal fiery torment for every unbeliever.
You just freed me from the bondage of tithe, I call it bondage because it's a law and in this part of the world (Africa) where poverty reigns many churches tell you if you don't pay your tithe you can never prospers and while we see a lot of unbelievers like Muslims etc becoming rich.
Regardless of what you believe God can do outside of that, those events are not what they appear to be, because I (as an infidel) am going out and doing it with unbelievers every night.
Believers, because they are believers, need to be held up to a higher standard of living, while unbelievers, because they are unbelievers, can be accepted as they are.
because you cant prove God to an unbeliever.
Really incredible take on the STORY Jesus tells in Luke 19 about a king rejected by his servants — interesting because Sam applies it to unbelievers when it was meant to be applied to the religious crowd who were rejecting Jesus — not the pagans like Zacheus's crowd that Jesus had just had a party with.
Fast because of Allah do for you or you are the same as an unbeliever!!!!!!
Just because God uses an unbeliever to emphasize a point of truth already stated and confirmed in His Scripture, does not mean that this unbeliever is a source of truth or is hearing from God.
There are rules which must not be seen less important than they are, because of more flexible islam for other believers or unbelievers..
And for all of this, I'm labeled at a heretic and unbeliever, because I refuse to be a sheep.
busy with so called ministry, busy doing outreaches to bring in the unbelievers, yet still so lonely because most of us do not understand the true meaning of community, nor do we walk in it because it takes our time, a commodity that many of us don't want to give up.
But alass I digress you can not and fell that as an unbeliever I should be more accepting of your views while I get reminded that my unbelief is because I have wickeness in my heart despite being a loving father and contribute to the community through community service
After Chrisrt returns for those Christians like the bible teaches, you unbelievers can shop anywhere you want without worrying about shopping with a busineses with Christian principals because there will be no more Christians left here on earth.
And any personal shortcomings of the evangelist, or any evangelically - minded Xtian, are shrugged off because they are «DELIVERING THE GOSPEL TO THE UNBELIEVERS!!!!» And that trumps, forgives and brushes under the carpet any flaw in the messenger.
PeterVN, it's called FAITH, maybe you as an unbeliever need to see something physical to even recognize that there IS A GOD, and you don't want to belive the bible because you are scared.
So you should be glad too, because you can be assured He's not going to just wipe you unbeliever's out.
However, we'll never experience the same level of connection with an unbeliever as we would a Christ follower because they share our values, beliefs, and worldview.
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