Sentences with phrase «unborn fetus in»

He created mankind an yet killed nearly every mammal, man, woman, infant, and unborn fetus in the world because they were «evil».

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Definition of fetus -LCB- IS -RCB- An unborn or unhatched offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
= > The Unborn Victims of Violence Act is a United States law introduced into congress in 1999 which defines violent as sault committed against pregnant women as being a crime against two victims: the woman and the fetus she carries.
MOMOYA: To what level of self - loathing have we sunk, when we define our own young as a «parasite»?!? I have seen doting friends put pictures of a 12 week old fetus (they called it their «unborn child») in baby scrapbooks.
It may be in relation to the mother and it may affect other people, but regardless of its potential to sustain itself outside the womb, the unborn fetus functions more like an object for our projections.
Because the nature of being human is to be in relation, to affect and to be affected by others, the unborn fetus can not be considered fully and properly a human being.
Because when I search «fetus» Google returns «An unborn or unhatched offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.»
The Hawaiian court has thus set itself on the same course of action as the misguided Supreme Court in 1973 when it thought that laws about abortion were merely an assertion of the rights of a living mother and an unborn fetus.
This summer, Americans were shocked to learn that Planned Parenthood had been engaged in activities that, whether you call it «selling» or «donating and being reimbursed for the costs of transport,» whether you call the sources «unborn children» or «fetuses,» undeniably involved exchanging organs and money.
For God may have spoken to them personally, having already determined that the unborn fetus will be a most heinous sinner of the kind that were yet unborn in the population that God destroyed before Noah; God may have instructed the mother - to - be to abort.
You were totally unable to come up with anything in this magic «special grace» that addresses embryos and fetuses ------------------------ Job 3:3 (and others) make it clear that the unborn child is a person from conception.
So then, why should the rights of an unborn fetus trump the bodily autonomy of the mother, if she doesn't want to have her body used in that way.
The reaction of any person who begins to leaf through this illustrated chronicle of human gestation will surely be extraordinary as well, and the book should be helpful in promoting «bonding» of all readers with all unborn babies, as it graphically documents the contention (made, for example, in this issue by William Saunders) that from zygote to embryo to fetus to birth, each human organism is nothing but human.
Most of these bacteria are not usually harmful to an adult diet (at least in moderation) but to an unborn fetus they can pose serious health risks.
This controller using digital acoustic technology reproduces the sounds and patterns in your musical choices in safe and stable decibel levels, suitable for any music for a fetus in womb, for they say that music during pregnancy has an array of benefits to your unborn child.
Over the summer the PAC launched a radio ad that ran in all three districts and featuring the «voice» on an unborn fetus.
Our penal code has its roots in the English common law, which — guided by premodern medical science — saw the killing of an unborn fetus not as murder but as a lesser crime.
Using AZT to reduce the transmission of HIV from pregnant women to unborn fetuses is recommended in the US.
In a few years prenatal whole - genome sequencing will provide the entire genetic code of an unborn fetus, alerting parents of possible genetic diseases their child may have or develop.
«Study raises possibility of naturally acquired immunity against Zika virus: Virus - fighting antibodies in mothers pass protection to unborn fetus
In 2010 in a paper published inScience Translational Medicine, Lo's group showed that enough such fragments of fetal DNA are there to reconstruct the fetus's whole genome, and that it should be possible to use this DNA to test the unborn child for genetic diseases without exposing it to the risk of an invasive procedurIn 2010 in a paper published inScience Translational Medicine, Lo's group showed that enough such fragments of fetal DNA are there to reconstruct the fetus's whole genome, and that it should be possible to use this DNA to test the unborn child for genetic diseases without exposing it to the risk of an invasive procedurin a paper published inScience Translational Medicine, Lo's group showed that enough such fragments of fetal DNA are there to reconstruct the fetus's whole genome, and that it should be possible to use this DNA to test the unborn child for genetic diseases without exposing it to the risk of an invasive procedure.
The embryo and the unborn fetus can not participate in the decision — there is no level of self - awareness or understanding that would enable that participation — therefore there is no interference with any right as afforded by our Constitution or civil law.
It also has blood thinning effects, and may increase the risk of abnormal bleeding in people with a bleeding disorder or taking anticoagulant medications.29 Frankincense essential oil is also not recommended for pregnant women and nursing moms, as it acts as an emenagogue and may induce menstruation, which may be dangerous for an unborn fetus.30
Perhaps Attack of the Killer Fetus would've drawn more attention to this warped French flick about a woman who's unborn child falls prey to a parasite in the womb, turning the fetus into a little beast who demands that she supply it with fresh bFetus would've drawn more attention to this warped French flick about a woman who's unborn child falls prey to a parasite in the womb, turning the fetus into a little beast who demands that she supply it with fresh bfetus into a little beast who demands that she supply it with fresh blood.
We are in a minority of sub-species: non-rodent, non-flying, land - based mammals who don't lay eggs, feed our unborn fetuses via placenta, have neck bones and brains that contain a corpus callosums.
If they did, they'd join religious groups in expressing outrage every time Planned Parenthood or other pro-abortion mouthpiece calls an unborn child (fetus, if you prefer) «a blob of tissue» or tries to prevent the biology of human prenatal development from being taught in public schools.
The Court recognized that a pregnant woman has a right to do any number of things that may affect her unborn fetus, and that recognizing her legal duty of care in negligence to her unborn child would «present an almost unlimited number of circumstances that would likely give rise to litigation.»
According to the book, Braxton learned that she was pregnant while on the acne medication Accutane — which can result in severe complications, especially to the unborn fetus — so she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
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