Sentences with phrase «uncaused out»

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Is it more rational to believe the universe popped into existence out of nowhere completely uncaused, or that it was caused by a powerful and intelligent mind?
'' Is it more rational to believe the universe popped into existence out of nowhere completely uncaused»
Contrary to the determinists, who see all events as the predictable result of antecedent causes, physical indeterminists insist that at the sub-atomic level there are happenings which are «uncaused,» arising spontaneously and unpredictably out of a mysterious depth to which our science of causes can not penetrate.
If nothing exists beyond the universe and All of the universe, space and time itself came into existence some 13.75 billion years ago then All of the universe, space and time itself came into existence uncaused, out of non-being.
Not fair to cheat and just make intelligence an a priori infinitely improbable characteristic of your infinite eternity and explain the visible Universe however improbable you want to judge it in ignorance, with the an even less probable uncaused cause judged in even greater ignorance as it is out there where it can not even in principle be observed, slipping the pea neatly under the shell.
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