Sentences with phrase «uncertain future for our children»

More extreme weather disasters, higher healthcare bills, and an uncertain future for our children, to name only a few costs.

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Homebirth appears to be a risk factor for the future child, or at least so uncertain, that it should be discouraged, pending further research.
We raise our children for an unknown, uncertain and very demanding future life, job, society etc..
Parents want what's best for their children now and in the future, and they have to make the kindergarten - enrollment decision with limited and uncertain information.
In response to the publication of the SEN Code of Practice for parliamentary approval by the Department for Education, the AEP has stressed that an uncertain funding future for the initial training of the educational psychology workforce and the ever increasing demand for educational psychologists» posts will mean that there will be an insufficient number of educational psychologists supporting local authorities and schools in future, which could put the wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people across the country at risk.
Just maybe, right now, facing cuts, teacher shortages, chaos in teacher training, increased testing and stress for our children, uncertain futures for «requires improvement» and «coasting» schools, Powell could provide the strong opposition and clear alternative that we so desperately need.
As we head into a largely uncertain future for the earth and our collective place within it, the time is indeed come to stand up and be counted, wherever your own beliefs may land, for the sake of your children, your children's children, and your children's children's children and everyone you already know.
The conference heard that the Baya Gawiy early childhood learning and care centre in Fitzroy Crossing, operated by Marninwarntikura, is facing an uncertain future due to changes being introduced in the Jobs for Families Child Care Package.
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