Sentences with phrase «uncertain world where»

Today we all live in a fast paced and uncertain world where we move at a nerve shattering pace where the stress can cause serious health if not life threatening issues; not to mention poor performance, burn out and a life that is out of balance.
Wishy - washy responses may make life easier in an uncertain world where we do not know which way an errant football will bounce, or whether a growling dog will lunge.
INNOVATING IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD Where are the most valuable opportunities and perilous pitfalls for companies seeking to grow in an unpredictable global environment?

Not exact matches

One is an incredibly uncertain world, where Google employees were asking, «What's going on?»
These uncertain times call for different measures and communication tools than we have used in the past... There are more than 65 million citizens of the world recognized as refugees by the United Nations, and we are developing plans to hire 10,000 of them over five years in the 75 countries around the world where Starbucks does business.»
They forsake the safe harbor of stale political pieties, entering instead those open, uncertain seas where, as Stanley Hoffman proposes, we acknowledge the stark realities of the struggle for power, while working nonetheless toward a more cooperative world order.
When we have done this, we shall be in a better position to understand how the idiom may continue to be used as an expression of our hope in the face of a fast - changing world where so much is uncertain.
You might be uncertain of where to find love on the Internet so this article will walk you through the online dating world.
In a world where investment returns are always uncertain, match dollars flowing into your account are one of the best freebies around.
Peter explains that such consideration — and deciding to act in an uncertain world — is the first step towards risk management: «[How] human beings recognize and respond to the probabilities they confront [is] what risk management and decision - making are all about and where the balance between measurement and gut becomes the focal point of the whole story.»
At the same time they suggest the plastic, provisional, and uncertain world of a new and transgenic nature, where corporeal and mechanical entities recombine.
Working like the Roman god, Vulcan, forging calderas and caverns with deep, rock - like chasms of paint, Berg's illusionistic space offers no horizon, only an ever - changing, tumultuous world where time and space are uncertain.
A Climate Change State of the Union (World), if you will, where Obama gets on TV, tells the nation what is what in no uncertain terms and calls out the lies and liars before ceding the floor to a series of scientists to make this all very unambiguous to the nation.
The duty to be careful to not harm others even in cases where the proof of harm is uncertain is widely accepted around the world in such international law principles as the «No harm Principle.»
But in the real world where we face multiple uncertain catastrophes: nuclear war, asteroid strikes, pandemics, earthquakes, peak oil, economic collapse, etc., as well as climate change, how do we respond?
We live in an uncertain world, where terrorism and politics can turn a «safe» destination unsafe overnight.
High Point renters insurance offers a feeling of certainty in a world where so much is uncertain.
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