Sentences with phrase «uncertainties associated with making»

Many consumers have reported considerable delays and uncertainties associated with making an offer on a short sale home.

Not exact matches

Huge requirement for Capital expenditure and also the uncertainty associated with the probability & possibility of finding economically exploitable reserves makes one cautious of the future of specific upstream companies.
One study reported that traders made significantly higher profits on days when their morning testosterone levels were above their daily average, and that increased variability in profits and uncertainty in the market was reliably associated with elevations in their cortisol levels27.
This is why I am interested in the uncertainty associated with the paraemters that make up the current suite of parameterizations.
This is why I am interested in the uncertainty associated with the parameters that make up the current suite of parameterizations.
Large uncertainties associated with estimates of past solar forcing (Section 2.7.1) and omission of some chemical and dynamical response mechanisms (Gray et al., 2005) make it difficult to reliably estimate the contribution of solar forcing to warming over the 20th century.
«Because the 21 individual reports are planned to address scientific uncertainties associated with climate change and other technical subjects and are to be issued over a period of three or more years, it may be difficult for the Congress and others to use this information effectively as the basis for making decisions on climate policy,» according to the GAO.
But the report states that «uncertainties associated with the various factors and methodologies used in data set development make 2005 statistically indistinguishable from 1998.»
Previous large natural oscillations are important to examine: however, 1) our data isn't as good with regards to external forcings or to historical temperatures, making attribution more difficult, 2) to the extent that we have solar and volcanic data, and paleoclimate temperature records, they are indeed fairly consistent with each other within their respective uncertainties, and 3) most mechanisms of internal variability would have different fingerprints: eg, shifting of warmth from the oceans to the atmosphere (but we see warming in both), or simultaneous warming of the troposphere and stratosphere, or shifts in global temperature associated with major ocean current shifts which for the most part haven't been seen.
My question to you is do you know how such a value would even be obtained, the degree of uncertainty associated with the value obtained, the assumptions made to obtain the value, or anything else associated with the value?
This removes the need for a lot of work that must now be done (with associated uncertainties) to estimate the «normal» temperature, but it makes the size of the regression very large.
The papers of Mann et al. in themselves are written in a confusing manner, making it difficult for the reader to discern the actual methodology and what uncertainty is actually associated with these reconstructions.
Ensembles made with the same model but different initial conditions only characterize the uncertainty associated with internal climate variability, whereas multi-model ensembles including simulations by several models also include the impact of model differences.
While I probably associate my stands on AGW more with this group than the other identified ones, I consider myself an uncertain - tist in that what I see as a major problem in these debates is the failure to acknowledge the uncertainty of the empirical and modeled evidence provided by those attempting to make conclusions about AGW.
They fail to understand the broader dimensions of scenario uncertainty as well as the existence of flat out ignorance on a number of topics, plus the ambiguity associated with arguments for the warming made from the perspective of natural variability.
«We now feel the risk and uncertainty associated with it [the CPP] has been mitigated, making it appropriate to move forward on this legislation,» he added.
«Large uncertainties associated with estimates of past solar forcing (Section 2.7.1) and omission of some chemical and dynamical response mechanisms make it difficult to reliably estimate the contribution of solar forcing to warming over the 20th century.»
This type of education can empower survivors to make an informed decision about what to do after an assault (even if they choose not to go to the police) and can reduce the uncertainty and stress associated with navigating the justice system in the aftermath of sexualized violence.
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