Sentences with phrase «uncertainty in the science in»

Unfortunately, denialism is less about refuting the science than creating the perception of uncertainty in the science in order to manipulate public perception.

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As the Climate Science Special Report states, the magnitude of future climate change depends significantly on «remaining uncertainty in the sensitivity of Earth's climate to [greenhouse gas] emissions,»» White House spokesperson Raj Shah said Friday in a statement.
The indeterminacy that science has found at the levels of matter (uncertainty), life (chance mutations), and human existence (freedom) are essential cosmological ingredients if the autonomy of the world is not to collapse into the being of the Creator - God (in which case it would no longer be a world distinct unto itself).
Such a notion as emergence, for example, which is closely allied with the principle of indeterminacy and uncertainty and which was later to develop in physics, actually assumed more credence in physics before it took root in biology and psychology; yet it has more significant implications for the data of the organic and social sciences than for physics.
In physics, for example, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or principle of indeterminacy has been interpreted in three ways: 1) that the «laws of nature» are deterministic, and that any uncertainty is due to human ignorance, which in due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner HeisenbergIn physics, for example, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or principle of indeterminacy has been interpreted in three ways: 1) that the «laws of nature» are deterministic, and that any uncertainty is due to human ignorance, which in due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner HUncertainty Principle or principle of indeterminacy has been interpreted in three ways: 1) that the «laws of nature» are deterministic, and that any uncertainty is due to human ignorance, which in due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner Heisenbergin three ways: 1) that the «laws of nature» are deterministic, and that any uncertainty is due to human ignorance, which in due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner Huncertainty is due to human ignorance, which in due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner Heisenbergin due time will be resolved by science (Einstein), 2) uncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner Huncertainty can be always explained by present experimental limitations (Neils Bohr), and 3) indeterminacy is an objective characteristic of reality Werner Heisenberg).
In science, we calculate uncertainty using confidence intervals.
Talks from Louise Fresco and Andrew Campbell describing their journey in science, food security, and R4D reassured me that the current uncertainty I am feeling is perfect normal and that I should strive to become the master of an area I have a great passion for.
There are no absolute truths in biological sciences — only hypotheses... «We need to train medical students and residents more in the art of uncertainty and less in the spirit that everything can be known or that it even needs to be known.»»
Clearly there is a balance to strike between doom - ridden messages and «bright - side» opportunities, and uncertainties around the science and the expected effects of climate change must be factored in too.
«All elected officials want to avoid uncertainty and risk and you're going to introduce more of that when you bring a bunch of people in and you have this live conversation at which the media is usually there,» said Grant Reeher, a political science professor at Syracuse University and host of WRVO's Campbell Conversations.
Holt also wrote an editorial in Science on 17 November addressing the uncertainty of federal support for scientific research under the new administration and advocating for better integration of science into policyScience on 17 November addressing the uncertainty of federal support for scientific research under the new administration and advocating for better integration of science into policyscience into policymaking.
«Our analysis illustrates how conspiratorial narratives in science can distort the past in the service of contemporary causes and obscure genuine uncertainty that surrounds aspects of research, impairing efforts to formulate good evidence - informed policies.»
However, our new research suggests that rejection of, or uncertainty about, evolutionary science in...
In this week's issue of STM, Arthur Levine, senior vice chancellor for the health sciences and dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania, and 18 other U.S. academic medical center leaders wrote that «[u] nstable funding for biomedical research has created a hostile working environment that erodes the time available for investigators to conduct their research, discourages innovative high - risk science, threatens to drive established investigators out of U.S. academic biomedical research, and creates uncertainty for trainees and early - career investigatorIn this week's issue of STM, Arthur Levine, senior vice chancellor for the health sciences and dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Pennsylvania, and 18 other U.S. academic medical center leaders wrote that «[u] nstable funding for biomedical research has created a hostile working environment that erodes the time available for investigators to conduct their research, discourages innovative high - risk science, threatens to drive established investigators out of U.S. academic biomedical research, and creates uncertainty for trainees and early - career investigatorin Pennsylvania, and 18 other U.S. academic medical center leaders wrote that «[u] nstable funding for biomedical research has created a hostile working environment that erodes the time available for investigators to conduct their research, discourages innovative high - risk science, threatens to drive established investigators out of U.S. academic biomedical research, and creates uncertainty for trainees and early - career investigators.
He identifies several ways politicians misrepresent science, such as «the certain uncertaintyin which they argue that «since we don't know it all, we don't know anything.»
Surely if we have to err in gauging uncertainty in science, it's better to err on the side of overestimating it.
«She was just so motivated and so smart, and yet I did have the impression that she maintained some uncertainty about whether or not she could be successful,» he writes in an e-mail to Science Careers.
The Trump administration's decision this fall to rescind DACA has brought new uncertainty for me and hundreds of other «Dreamers» who are building lives in science.
That representation matches the public discourse around global warming, in which previous studies have shown that media characterize climate change as unsettled science with high levels of scientific uncertainty.
Cooney himself made 294 edits to the administration's 364 - page Strategic Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program posted July 24, 2003, «to exaggerate or emphasize scientific uncertainties or to deemphasize or diminish the importance of the human role in global warming,» and Cooney and the CEQ played a role in eliminating climate change sections in the EPA's draft Report on the Environment as well as its National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report.
An environmental modeler presents how the science works, but a decision scientist uses decision theory to take into account both the scientific information in a model and its uncertainty, and to help policymakers weigh that information against other factors, Crawford - Brown says.
Generally, this is not a good thing when embarking on a career in science, because even the most successful researchers can find their careers fraught with uncertainty.
But as the world warms they will shrink and temperatures will rise ever higher, according to a study that could help to resolve one of the biggest uncertainties in climate science.
It is now clear that the majority — perhaps the vast majority — of neuroscience findings are as spurious as brain waves in a dead fish (see «Hidden depths: Brain science is drowning in uncertainty «-RRB-.
Have discussions with people who have careers in the biological sciences about what they are doing to assess whether it is the specific area of specialization that is leading to your difficulty and level of uncertainty.
«Science is moving gingerly forward amid greater uncertainty at the rest of NASA,» says Matt Mountain, director of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.
This was in marked contrast to the pro-dumping lobby, which for political reasons subordinated essential aspects of good science — such as acknowledgement of uncertainty and openness to criticism.
Given the estimated uncertainties in their method, the researchers place an upper limit on methane in the martian atmosphere of 1.3 parts per billion, as they report online today in Science.
Agenda 21 gives science a critical role in reducing «the high degree of uncertainty in present information, which inhibits effective management» of the oceans.
We've reached a point now in the interdisciplinary growth of our science where we've got climate scientists, who understand the physics of climate and how that translates to uncertainties, working hand in hand with economists who will run the projected impacts through a cost - benefit analysis.
Clouds and their role in keeping the Earth's surface cool by reflecting sunlight back into space have been one of the biggest uncertainties of climate change science.
«The model we developed and applied couples biospheric feedbacks from oceans, atmosphere, and land with human activities, such as fossil fuel emissions, agriculture, and land use, which eliminates important sources of uncertainty from projected climate outcomes,» said Thornton, leader of the Terrestrial Systems Modeling group in ORNL's Environmental Sciences Division and deputy director of ORNL's Climate Change Science Institute.
The biggest bludgeon the skeptics have is that there is uncertainty in the science.
Where do you come down on the whole subject of uncertainty in the climate science?
Now, it is apparent from reading even the first few pages of The Skeptical Environmentalist that Lomborg proposes to make the case that not just environmentalists, but a considerable part of the heretofore respectable environmental - science community, have been misunderstanding the relevant concepts, misrepresenting the relevant facts, understating the uncertainties, selecting data, and failing to acknowledge errors after these have been pointed out in other words, that the scientist contributors to what he calls «the environmental litany» (namely, that environmental problems are serious and becoming, in many instances more so) have been guilty of massively violating the scientists code of conduct.
The practice of science, which includes the packaging of findings from science for use in the public - policy arena, is governed by an unwritten code of conduct that includes such elements as mastering the relevant fundamental concepts before venturing into print in the professional or public arena, learning and observing proper practices for presenting ranges of respectable opinion and uncertainty, avoiding the selection of data to fit pre-conceived conclusions, reading the references one cites and representing their content accurately and fairly, and acknowledging and correcting the errors that have crept into ones work (some of which are, of course, inevitable) after they are discovered by oneself or by others.
In their paper, Fischhoff and Davis, a research scientist in engineering and public policy who received his Ph.D. from CMU in social and decision sciences, outline the challenges of explaining the uncertainty that is part of all scientific research findingIn their paper, Fischhoff and Davis, a research scientist in engineering and public policy who received his Ph.D. from CMU in social and decision sciences, outline the challenges of explaining the uncertainty that is part of all scientific research findingin engineering and public policy who received his Ph.D. from CMU in social and decision sciences, outline the challenges of explaining the uncertainty that is part of all scientific research findingin social and decision sciences, outline the challenges of explaining the uncertainty that is part of all scientific research findings.
A noted U.S. fertility researcher is relocating to England in a move that some researchers say underscores the uncertainty created by the current debate over government funding of research involving embryonic stem cells (Science, 13 July, p. 186).
The uncertainty in the science makes it difficult for policy - makers to see how much investment is justified, and what kind, says van Scheltinga.
«There are so many variables that will affect the future of forests in northern Minnesota, forest managers will probably always have to deal with some amount of uncertainty,» said Stephen Handler, lead author of the vulnerability assessment and a climate change specialist with the Northern Institute for Applied Climate Science (NIACS).
«This election represented such a large change and threw such uncertainty onto the place of science in American government that we really had to reach out right away to the president - elect,» he says.
But given the uncertainties involved in climate change, the widespread and heartfelt mistrust of the research backing it, and the IPCC's delicate role at the crossing point of science and politics, many reckon that the communications chief will face a difficult task.
«The tide gauge measurements are essential for determining the uncertainty in the GMSL (global mean sea level) acceleration estimate,» said co-author Gary Mitchum, USF College of Marine Science.
When you do try to point out the science, they merely focus on all the «uncertainty» in the conclusions.
It was a small fraction of Exxon Research's annual $ 300 million budget, but the question the scientists tackled was one of the biggest uncertainties in climate science: how quickly could the deep oceans absorb atmospheric CO2?
In 2006, the Royal Society, the United Kingdom's science academy, sent a harsh letter to Exxon accusing it of being «inaccurate and misleading» on the question of climate uncertainty.
Aerosols are one of the greatest sources of uncertainty in climate science.
In science, «conservatism» implies proper acknowledgment of the uncertainties, it does not imply that systematic underestimation of effects.
The next year, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was publishing its second major assessment of climate science, Shell found itself in a delicate balancing act between accepting the scientific consensus and arguing that there was still too much uncertainty to dictate aggressive action.
The formation and properties of the aerosol cloud that sits above the monsoon are a major unknown in climate science, and their potential future changes represent one of the largest uncertainties in climate predictions.
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