Sentences with phrase «uncharacteristic performance»

It's a strong, appealing, and evidently uncharacteristic performance, with which we can identify as things get very strange and disquieting.
But Carrey's quietly exacting, uncharacteristic performance, though not qualifying as a saving grace, hints at some promising new career directions in the same manner Robin Williams successfully tapped a darker side with «One Hour Photo.»
Team Knox had a nice Week 6, bouncing right back after uncharacteristic performance in Week 5.
Their defense has also had some uncharacteristic performances and will need to make do without Earl Thomas tonight.

Not exact matches

Yes his 1st 2 performances this season were poor, but tha was uncharacteristic of him, he only costed us because he was sloppy in possession.
The uncharacteristic, cathartic performance impresses Quentin (Anton Yelchin), an awkward young donut shop clerk who begs Sam to let him play and harmonize with him.
In setting up the rudiments of this situation, the film can't be faulted, at least on the level of its script (Rafael Yglesias adapting his own novel), direction (Peter Weir returning to a relatively serious mode after the claptrap of Dead Poets Society and Green Card), and performances (Bridges and Perez give uncharacteristic, highly arresting portraits of people in a sustained state of shock).
Conversely, there's an uncharacteristic gruff note to the turbo four - banger and performance — as measured by acceleration — is merely OK.
The reference to the uncharacteristic speed with which the Court delivered judgment in the 0867 case leads to the final point relating to the performance of the Court which is the time which it has taken to deliver some judgments.
In another uncharacteristic move, Nvidia also didn't mention anything related to improved gaming performance with the Shield.
In an interview with ABC News, CEO Tim Cook reveals that in a future update, users will be able to turn off the performance throttling if they want to, something uncharacteristic of Apple's user experience philosophy.
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