Sentences with word «uncodified»

Some countries, mainly those with uncodified constitutions, have no such courts at all.
52 Titles of the United States Code (some of which have more than one volume) and a smattering of uncodified statutes that probably would take up one or two additional books.
U.S. federal law consists of: 52 Titles of the United States Code (some of which have more than one volume) and a smattering of uncodified statutes...
The situation was as partisan as the recent US shutdown has been and Kerr was between a rock and hard place of uncodified law («conventions») of which the main criticism against Kerr was the lack of honest prior warning given to Whitlam.
The very form of words hints at a codifier's agenda: the constitution is already uncodified; who needs a «map» to stay the course?
It is an unwritten, uncodified political constitution — and some would even argue that it doesn't really exist.
In each case the art lies not so much in the finesse of the individual mark, but in the orchestration of a previously uncodified set of personal «rules» about where to act and where not, how far to go and when to stop, in such a way as the cumulative courtship of seeming chaos defines an original, hybrid kind of order, which in turn illuminates a complex sense of human experience not voiced or left marginal in previous art.
This is not to say that there is no codified TK but to claim that the overwhelming body of TK is uncodified know - how.
Most TK is uncodified which would make it an imperfect public good i.e. it could be made excludable by the mere act of refusing to share the information.
Knowledge as a public good is found in different levels of codification ranging from systematic and detailed documentation to uncodified practices held by a single individual or within webs of social interactions.
By replacing the previous, informal and uncodified constitution with this written one we have the following aims: to re-establish the integrity of our government, to renew our liberties, to protect our self - government within the European Union, to ensure the freedom of our press and media, to protect of our fundamental rights and to guarantee the rule of law, securing equal access to it by all.
However, due to the UK's uncodified constitution and unlike most EU member states, the UK has no definition of constitutional law.
We will include works on constitutional theory as well as on the empirical issues that underlie constitutions — particularly those that are important to uncodified constitutions like that of the UK.
But all have some sort of replacement, sometimes unwritten, sometimes written but uncodified.
A codified constitution is a single document; states that do not have such a document have uncodified, but not entirely unwritten, constitutions, since much of an uncodified constitution is usually written in laws such as the Basic Laws of Israel and the Parliament Acts of the United Kingdom.
The terms written constitution and codified constitution are often used interchangeably, as are unwritten constitution and uncodified constitution, although this usage is technically inaccurate.
Uncodified constitutions largely lack protection against amendment by the government of the time.
San Marino has a codified set of several constitutional documents (differing from UK where they are uncodified).
But there are also protocols that underpin British democracy and an uncodified ethos of fair play that sustains the legitimacy of any electoral system.
The legal scholar Eric Barendt argues that the uncodified nature of the United Kingdom constitution does not mean it should not be characterised as a «constitution», but also claims that the lack of an effective separation of powers, and the fact that parliamentary sovereignty allows Parliament to overrule fundamental rights, makes it to some extent a «facade» constitution.
The rejection of the uncodified breed ban was prompted, in part, by a legal opinion of the city's attorneys who cited a 2007 Oklahoma appeals court ruling.
The usage of (uncodified) subconscious language as a form of resistance against the dominating languages, has led Sen to create an abstract body of gibberish text that claims repressed emotional voices and a potential moment of lingual anarchy.
It certainly has had its share of constitutional crises, which is perhaps only to be expected given the uncodified nature of its constitution.
We are intimately familiar with the rules of evidence, both statutory and uncodified, and understand the rationale for the counterintuitive principle expressed in Browne v Dunn.
Secondly, by injecting the uncodified principles of the common law into the division of family property, the certainty created by the Family Law Act — such as it is — is substantially undermined.
This uncodified judicial definition of «necessaries of life» has broadened in scope over the years to reflect society's changing values.
The purpose of a post-Norman jury, in the relatively undeveloped, uncodified, legal landscape, was twofold.
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