Sentences with phrase «uncomfortable at»

«We know a lot of people struggle with change and you may find the idea of rearranging furniture uncomfortable At first a room that's been moved round can feel slightly «wrong», but sit with it for a few days and see if you still feel the same way.
For those who feels uncomfortable at the idea of going to surgery clinic, do not worry no more because Geometrix created a new design for clinics.
My arms don't seem to hurt, but if I am uncomfortable at all I move around to a different spot.
Once of those Kardashian / Jenners was bleeding because her dress was so uncomfortable at the Met Ball.
That kind of makes me feel bad, I don't want people to be uncomfortable at my house or flopping down on my sofa.
We didn't want to make everyone feel uncomfortable at our house because we were always in a big panic about our counters.
My child was so uncomfortable at this school; I don't want to put her in this predicament for the sake of prestige!
If you feel uncomfortable at any point or believe you don't know enough about it to act on it, you'd be better off seeking another method of gaining traction in real estate investment.
To become successful in this business, you must first accept the fact that you're going to be uncomfortable at first.
If you feel uncomfortable at any given moment, i.e. if your gut tells you something is amiss, LISTEN and respond!
I am also very uncomfortable at church when the religious leader says things I know in my heart are wrong.
Although we may discuss difficult topics and change can feel uncomfortable at times, therapy should be an enjoyable experience.
This may be really uncomfortable at first, but with the support of a therapist / ally, it can get easier over time.
If moving forward and trying to save the relationship is the goal, honest communication, though painful and uncomfortable at first, is an important step towards healing.
«It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you practice devoting time and energy to yourself and caring for yourself, the less present those empty feelings will be.»
Conversations about sex and intimacy can be uncomfortable at first.
Hubby felt very uncomfortable at first but then they became friends and started hanging out..
Talking about birth control and pregnancy — or anything that has to do with sex — may be a little uncomfortable at first.
While it may seem uncomfortable at first, making the effort to intentionally show intimacy may help you recover the emotional connection that your marriage is missing.
You'll be working with people every day and required to perform medical tasks that may seem uncomfortable at first.
While the keyboard placement looks very good in the way it flips up against the screen, the restricted movement due to being attached to the system makes use very uncomfortable at first.
When I take a risk and step outside my professional comfort zone, it is always difficult and uncomfortable at the start.
A couple of the judges didn't perceive the meeting the same way as the above judge but agreed that though the conversation may have been uncomfortable at times, it was a lesser evil than not having a seat at the table at all.
In the height of summer, heat transfers directly through the roofing materials, making it uncomfortable at some times of the day.
The best art of our time or any time since Corot, not just since Monet, makes you a little bit more uncomfortable at first, challenges you more.
I was uncomfortable at first — I was supposed to be an abstract painter — so how can I paint mushrooms?
Rail: So much about the reaction against Neo-Expressionism is there's a whole constellation of things that we're trying to sort through, one of those is «authorship,» and now everyone gets very uncomfortable at the idea of art expressing the feeling of an artist.
It's not a hard thing to do, but it might be uncomfortable at first.
We do appreciate the trust this signals, however, incidents of harassment and participants feeling uncomfortable at game events is a call for a more formal procedure.
Flying horses were awkward and uncomfortable at first, but quickly became easy and routine as each enemy has their specific angle from which they attack.
The episode takes you on a roller coaster of emotions as you laugh, feel uncomfortable at times, and want to tear up at others.
:) It made the God of War guys feel a little uncomfortable at times!
We were both a little uncomfortable at first with the idea of spending a day with family whom we had never met.
Though I was uncomfortable at the prospect of joining other underdressed white gawkers observing how «locals» pray, I reluctantly decided to go.
You can imagine this is uncomfortable at best and extremely painful at worst.
Like the article says, I'm a human being and I've learned that despite the fact that dental cleanings are uncomfortable at times, the hygienist isn't doing this uncomfortable stuff just to hurt me.
She wasn't whining or crying, she didn't seem uncomfortable at all, and it ended up going away.
His cough was getting worse, he was increasingly uncomfortable at night & pacing, breathing heavy especially after getting up or with a little bit of activity.
Fear Free doesn't mean that your pet will never experience anything uncomfortable at the veterinarian, they may be injured or ill, but it does mean that we make every effort to reduce any fear, anxiety, and stress related to examinations and procedures.
We all want to have the perfect dog who is comfortable in every situation that life can present and who absolutely adores children all the time, but the reality is that many, if not most dogs, are uncomfortable at least to some degree with certain interactions involving children.
Refugee clients that come from these attorneys often describe feeling uncomfortable at the outset.
(Though a liquor company doesn't make me uncomfortable at all — I guess we all have our contradictions).
For example, if you put 50 % of your investments in GM bonds 15 years ago, you have to be a bit uncomfortable at the moment even if you have a relatively conservative 50 - 50 split between bonds and stocks.
Take a contrary view that can feel deeply uncomfortable at the time — and may mean people think you're strange at social gatherings - but ultimately should lead to a better investment outcome, or;
I have yet to actually run out of money, but like I said it's feeling very uncomfortable at times.
Extended reading on LCD screens can be uncomfortable at best, and the potential for distraction is far higher than on an eReader.
Indie Publishing means learning a new set of skills to combine with your writing and that is uncomfortable at best.
As with everything, you'll feel uncomfortable at first, but I urge you to persist.
Front seats can be uncomfortable at times.
But on one trip, I spent two uninterrupted hours behind the wheel and I found that the seats were not uncomfortable at all.
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