Sentences with phrase «uncomfortable conversations»

"Uncomfortable conversations" refers to discussions that make us feel uneasy or awkward. These are often chats about sensitive topics or difficult issues that can bring up emotions or challenging discussions. Full definition
That way you can avoid uncomfortable conversations about what you both want when you're sat across from each other!
As I have heard said, a person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.
Being upfront and clear about cost can avoid uncomfortable conversations later on.
Even the idea of a friend dating your ex can give you all sorts of odd feelings, and that becoming a reality can make for very uncomfortable conversations and broken friendships.
Gone forever are the days of unpredictable trial technician invoices and uncomfortable conversations between inside and outside counsel.
If not communicated properly, this often results in uncomfortable conversations with clients requesting a budget increase or timeline extension.
We are now not afraid of having uncomfortable conversations at our team meetings.
Among other challenges, this work inevitably requires uncomfortable conversations with parents, teachers, and students.
You may even choose to save yourself from a potentially uncomfortable conversation with a quick retreat.
Among those individuals, frequent and sometimes uncomfortable conversations about cultural assumptions and personal beliefs must be conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
It starts with creating a safe environment to have the harder, more uncomfortable conversations that lead to awareness.
It's all superficial until we see leaders actually changing company cultures by making hard decisions, leading uncomfortable conversations — and firing those who are unwilling to include everyone.
In the past two weeks I've had the same uncomfortable conversation with several senior marketers.
But when it comes to your investments, you need to understand the hidden desires that drive your behavior, even if it means a few uncomfortable conversations in the mirror.
However, a moment or two of uncomfortable conversation is well worth the increased dollars in your pocket.
Having your employer know you are job hunting may result in a very uncomfortable conversation or, even, job loss.
These «habits of behavior» will equip students with the skills to engage with each other in important and sometimes uncomfortable conversations.
It calls us to uncomfortable conversations with people who don't look like us, talk like us or live like us.
Q: This has raised a lot of uncomfortable conversations for people around this country who view you as their idol.
We talked about the need to listen, lament, learn (from people outside his comfort zone), to be willing to lay down or steward his privilege, and not shy away from uncomfortable conversations.
Having courageous and often uncomfortable conversations to find common ground among unlikely alliances may be just what the world needs to better the current food system.
If you mess things up at the start, you'll soon enough get to that awful and uncomfortable conversation where someone will ask you about one of the new hires and you'll say «I don't know» or «the jury's still out.»
Cut it off now and save both yourselves the heartache and insanely uncomfortable conversation that will eventually go something like this: «If you knew you didn't like me, then why did you agree to go on another date?»
At the annual family party, Chris faces further uncomfortable conversations as the guests compliment his physique, ask embarrassing questions, and share that they've always liked Tiger Woods.
And the fact that over 80 percent of American teachers are white underscores how uncomfortable conversations about race can be at school — but also how necessary.
It would be daft, though, not to address the skimpily - dressed elephant in the room: Bayonetta 1 & 2 are very much games that would result in plenty of uncomfortable conversations if they were brand new releases and not ports of games that are nine and four years old respectively.
This is Family Pictures (2016), Steve Locke's contribution to the exhibition, a group show of works by artists of colour that takes as its subject uncomfortable conversations.
Locke's timely critique of spectacle should here be extended to the ways in which uncomfortable conversations are turned into controversy and then capitalised on, wherein criticism becomes clickbait.
Photographers like Larry Clark, who got his start documenting bands of roguish teenage surfers and skateboarders (often during moments of reckless violence and illegal drug use) and went on to direct Kids, exposed the grittier elements of youth culture, prompting uncomfortable conversations about a rising generation that disregarded prevailing societal norms.
Part of the baggage that goes with being the managing partner of a law firm is having to nip inappropriate behavior in the bud, which usually entails having some mildly uncomfortable conversations.
But all too often couples end up dancing around important issues, avoiding conflict, side - stepping uncomfortable conversations every chance they get (rather than face relationship issues head - on), all for the sake of achieving marital / relationship tranquility.
Leah wrote: «I've had several uncomfortable conversations with pastors who have decried the evils of evolution because when I was teaching labs in graduate school I taught evolution.
Take, for example, that most painful of numbers: If you're a home seller, that would be a cut to your asking price, a topic that probably sparked a fair number of uncomfortable conversations between real estate agents and homeowners last year.
One way that religious folks avoid uncomfortable conversations about ambition is they cloak them with religious language.
It may sound like overkill (and require uncomfortable conversations), but you will want to make sure you properly document loans received from family members or friends.
Being prepared ahead of time for how you and your partner want to handle visitors once baby arrives will save you a great deal of stress and spare you some potentially uncomfortable conversations.
An innocuous comment, sometimes not even directed at that person, in an environment where everyone is too familiar with others has spurned some very uncomfortable conversations with otherwise nice people who never had any ill intentions.
It is not a sexy subject, but if you are able to discuss it maturely, when not in the heat of passion, it shows you are unafraid of uncomfortable conversations.
You'll implicitly reduce any perceived confrontation and may make an uncomfortable conversation feel less adversarial.
«Take the time to have the uncomfortable conversation about what you anticipate happening if you break up,» says Whitman.
Or as long as no one is forced to have uncomfortable conversations.
Or, it could be the beginning of an uncomfortable conversation; the person just does not know how to come out and say it.
But it's bigger than elections, and uncomfortable conversations.
«It's more than just giving financial advice; it's being there when decisions need to be made and tough, uncomfortable conversations must be had.
Consumerism within Christianity is still an uncomfortable conversation for me, even on the other side of debt.
Of course, as in life, there are times where the jokes take a back seat, and uncomfortable conversations must be had.
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